The GCSE Curriculum

What subjects can I study at honywood?

The Curriculum comprises the following areas of study:

Therefore courses for individual learners are put together to ensure continuing coverage of this broad curriculum.  Everyone needs to follow the Core Curriculum in the first box in the table on the next page.  You have some choices to make in Columns Choice 1, Choice 2 and Choice 3


All courses in columns 1, 2 and 3 will lead to a GCSE, BTEC or vocational qualification and will be allocated 5 x 75 minutes of teaching time per fortnight.  When completing your Guided Choices Form you will be asked to choose three subjects by selecting one choice in columns 1, 2 and 3.  


Further choices may be made available during the next three years to learners whose needs will be best met by some alternative provision.

*Learners will study Combined Trilogy Science where you learn all three sciences but end up with two combined GCSEs. If your teacher feels it is a suitable option for you, you may be invited to take Triple Science. In Triple Science you end up with three separate GCSEs in Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

One choice to be made from each of the following columns: