Homer Community Schools Continuity of Learning Plan

Beyond the Bricks...
Our buildings may be closed, but the learning continues!!!

Click on the image above to open a copy of the full Guide to Remote Learning Excellence!

Thank you so much for your continued patience and understanding as we continue to navigate through the expectations of what the remainder of the school year can and must look like. Since Governor Whitmer's Executive Order closing school buildings and face-to-face education on April 2, 2020, the administrative team and teacher leadership have been working together to create a plan that will meet the needs of all of our students and meet the requirements of the state. Our plan may be different than one that you might see in another district.

The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) has given districts the flexibility to create and implement a plan that works for our students, our teachers, and our community. This is our plan and what works for HOMER!!!

We are proud to present our Continuity of Learning Plan - Guide to Remote Learning Excellence!!!

At-Home Lesson Plans

Access to Resources

Student Support Services

Dealing with the school closure, all of the non-stop media coverage of COVID-19, the lack of regular routines and schedules, and so much uncertainty can be difficult for any child or individual. Students and adults are sad, confused, angry, anxious, and so many more emotions that they may not even know how to express.

We want you to know that the student support staff at Homer Community Schools is available to help students. If you are not sure who to talk to, you can fill out the Student Support Request Form and someone will contact you within 48 hours.

Click here to sign up for a Chromebook to use at home for the remainder of the school year.

Click here if you are not able to access materials digitally and would like them mailed to your home.

CISD Distance Learning Toolkit

The Calhoun Intermediate School District has put together a Distance Learning Toolkit. This website was created to support students, parents, teachers, and leaders with remote learning tools and best practices.

Special Education Information