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Thursday 4th May 2023 home learning


Please watch the video link on making equal groups, recapping our learning from this week. https://vimeo.com/801889277 

Get 20 counters/ objects. Put them into equal groups (eg. equal groups of 2's). Investigate how many different sets of equal groups can you make? Repeat with other numbers of objects.


Tell an adult what we include within a letter. 

The persons name who it is to, the date, the contents of the letter and who it is from. 

Using your phonics knowledge write a letter to a friend about what you got up to for the day during Polling Day. 

Think about how you need to make sure that it includes;

Make sure you remember your capital letters, especially for names, full stops and finger spaces.


Go on a scavenger hunt around the local area or your garden, what animals can you find? 

Keep a record of what you found. 

Additional activities if you find yourself bored

Practice alien words with a family member. Can you make one up for them to say?

WOW an adult with your number bonds to 20.

Live Lesson - Phonics at 1pm via google meets

You will need paper and pen for your live lesson. 

Please refer to the newsletter sent home on Friday about logging in to this. You can find a link here https://www.holytrinityhalstead.com/page/?title=Newsletters&pid=44

We look forward to seeing you friday. Do not forget Friday 5th May is non-uniform, come dressed to party for the coronation. 

Best wishes, 

The Alpaca Team

Alpaca Class Notices - Summer Term

Phonics screening check - Week beginning 12th June

All Year 1 children will be assessed on their phonics during the week of the 12th June 2023. The purpose of the phonics screening check will be to confirm that all children have learned phonic decoding to an age-appropriate standard. Individual children’s results will be made available to parents, so that parents are kept informed about their child’s progress in developing word-reading skills. 

A child working at the minimum expected standard should be able to decode: 

• all items with simple structures containing single letters and consonant digraphs 

• most items containing frequent and consistent vowel digraphs  

 ‘frequent’ means that the vowel digraph appears often in words read by children in Year 1

 ‘consistent’ means the digraph has a single or predominant phoneme correspondence 

• all items containing a single 2-consonant string with other single letters (i.e. CCVC or CVCC) 

• most items containing two 2-consonant strings and a vowel (i.e. CCVCC) 

• some items containing less frequent and less consistent vowel digraphs, including split digraphs 

• some items containing a single 3-consonant string 

• some items containing 2 syllables. 

By reading with your child daily and practising their phonics you will greatly enhance their phonics knowledge. 

https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources is a great resource for games to play to help with blending. 

Other notices:

If you have any questions at any time, please catch me on the door in the mornings or after school, write a note in the children's communication diary or drop me an email to jthomson@holytrinityhalstead.com.

Mrs Thomson!