Rules for Players and Parents

Here are the CYO Rules relating to parents and players.

Forfeit Times

Start of match - forfeit first (1st) game

Ten (10) minutes after scheduled start time – forfeit second (2nd) game

Twenty (20) minutes after scheduled start time – forfeit third (3rd) game

Forfeit scores shall be recorded as 25-0.

Illegal Equipment


String bracelets or anklets, chains, earrings of any sort, necklaces, etc.


Hair barrettes are permitted assuming they are flat.

Headbands or bandanas are permitted as long as they are worn as such.

Hair beads are permitted as long as they are secure. If they are not secure, team member may not play.

Braces, splints, etc. are permitted only by referee’s discretion and must be padded.

Penalty if noticed during warm-ups will be team delay if not removed quickly. If noticed after game begins, team delay will be given regardless of timely removal.

Prior to Match

Warm up time will be 4 minutes each team. If serving time is desired, do so in the allocated time. NO SHARED COURT TIME.

Serving team will have the court first. Serving team determined by coin toss.

Lineups must be provided to the score table no later than three (3) minutes prior to start of match.

One (1) coach from each team MUST be present during referee’s instructions to captains.

Visiting team captain (or school farther from gym if home team is not playing) will call the coin toss.

Winner of coin toss will choose serve, side or receive.

Teams will line up along the back line before the match and stay until summoned on the court by the referee.


Three (3) sets, rally scoring to twenty-five (25), win by two (2) points – NO CAP.

There will be NO coin toss after the 2nd game.

There will be NO switching sides midway thru 3rd game.

Ball hits the ceiling on your side and there is a legal contact remaining, it is legal. If the ball hits and goes over it is out of play.

Anything hanging from the ceiling (flags, banners, etc) is considered part of the ceiling.

Basketball backboards raised are considered part of the ceiling. Lowered is a judgment call on the part of the referee.

A ball tossed for a serve that hits a lowered backboard is a violation.

Players MAY NOT completely cross the center line for any reason.

Incidental net contact is limited to such things as hair, shirt, etc.

There is a three (3) minute break in between games. Lineups are due one (1) minute prior to end of duration.

Two (2) timeouts will be granted per game. Each will be thirty (30) seconds in duration.

Libero jersey must be different in color and contrast from the rest of the team. If it is not, referee may disallow Libero use.

Post match

Teams will line up along the back line after the match and stay until summoned to shake hands by the referee.

Referee must sign score sheet verifying correct results.

Crowd control / general conduct

Each team is responsible for the conduct of their parents, fans, players, etc. towards other teams, players, parents, officials, etc.

Referees have the authority to ask parents to leave the facility if continued conduct warrants.

It is up to the head coach of team to control their parents.

Forfeit may be declared if problems continue.


It is the coaches’ responsibility to make sure they are familiar with all NFHS Volleyball rules with some exceptions.

Some rules you may want to brush up on:

Back Line attack / block

Back line player MAY NOT play a ball over the net while she is in front of or on the 3M attack line and the ball is COMPLETELY above the height of the net.


Unlimited BUT LEGAL substitutions

Serving time and re-toss

One (1) re-toss per serve, eight (8) seconds to serve.

Ball handling

All ball handling call are a matter of judgment on the part of the official.

Attack / Block of Serve

Player MAY NOT attack a served ball while it is COMPLETELY above the height of the net and in front of the 3M attack line.

Player MAY NOT block a served ball.


Any sign of blood on a player will immediately mandate that player be removed from the game, timeout taken, etc. to deal with the situation.

Blood on uniform eliminates uniform – not player - from play. Other uniform may be put on as long it is not from another player on bench. T-shirt may be used.

Service rotations / overlapping

Rotate clockwise starting with left back.

Must be behind/in front of player opposite in rotation and in proper position with people left or right of the player.


A re-serve cannot be followed by a re-serve. Do not get confused with a Re-Play. (A replay can be issued if a ball rolls onto the court for example).


Player is beckoned to serve. She tosses the ball up in the air and lets it drop. The referee will blow whistle and issue a Re-Serve. Player tosses the ball and lets the ball drop. The referee shall blow the whistle and award a side-out to the opposing team.

If the player tosses the ball up into the air and lets it drop then her next attempt must be to serve the ball.

Remember, if they toss the ball up and catch it 2 times in a row (or it hits part of their body) then it is a point for the opposing team.

8-second rule while serving

Each player receives 8-seconds to serve.


It is not the official’s responsibility to start or enforce the prayer. It is the coaches'. This has been communicated in the past.

Patience will be required by all parties, especially early in the season. As the season progresses the pace should pick up considerably.

Please keep in mind that every action or reaction that occurs is being seen and analyzed by the kids! We are the example!