We have created a Frequently Asked Questions section to support teachers, families and children in using our resource:

  • Is there a cost to use this resource?

Absolutely not. This is entirely free, created by teachers for teachers, families and children nationwide to enjoy. All resources are free to use and download. If you are using any of the resources or videos on your own school site we would appreciate if you referenced us.

  • What is the best way to run a Virtual Sports Day in my school?

Please see our short tutorial video by clicking here.

  • Should we share this resource with parents directly?

That is entirely up to you. We suggest that this resource be used as a buffet. Teachers and schools are free to decide how to use it to best fit their context. Some may choose to direct their families to the site available at www.ecsligo.ie.

  • Our school wants to create a digital story of our sports day. What apps/sites are best to use?

There are many easy to use apps and sites to achieve this. The ones we would recommend would be Movavi, Viva Video, Animoto and Adobe Spark Video?

  • I have a child in my class whose first language is not English. Can the documents be translated?

Yes, absolutely. If you open the event explainers in a new window, then copy and paste the material into a new Google Doc then you can use the translate function to translate into any language you need.

  • Are there issues with families and children sharing photos or videos with the school for use on school websites/blogs etc?

Schools need to refer to their individual AUP Policies and consents linked with these. In most situations schools have already gained permission from parents to use images for school use.

  • How should children and families share their images or videos with us?

Ideally parents should email these directly to the school or class teacher. Remember to keep video clips short (20-30 secs). For larger clips a site called Wetransfer can be used to share these.