Class Room Expectations

Mr. Thayer's class is held to a high standard with expectations and classroom behavior. I firmly believe that we are a family within our four walls and we must work together to help one another even if it is something we normally would not do. The reason for this is in order for students to learn to their highest ability, they must feel safe and have the ability to answer problems without fear of negativity.

We follow the rule of every choice has a consequence. The consequence could be a positive consequence or a negative consequence. A positive consequence occurs when a student does and action that helps someone else or solves a problem. A negative consequence comes from a choice that negatively affects another student, staff member, or school property. There are rewards for positive consequences such as creative time where students can draw, color, or create items with their hands. Negative consequences always start with an open conversation of why the choice was made, who the choice affected, why that choice hurt someone or something else, and then what is a better avenue for next time.