Remote Learning

Monday, May 11th, 2020

Hello all and I hope all is well! An e-mail was sent home about grade changing for the fourth marking period. I wanted to update you on what our class will be doing for the fourth marking period. Grades will now be 65% Major Assessments and 35% Minor Assessments. Grades for marking periods 1, 2 and 3, will remain the 80% Major Assessment and 20% Minor Assessments. Also, there will not be a final exam. With all of this being said, students will have 3 Major Assessments this marking period. The second major assessment is posted under the English 9/English 9 Honors tab. The students have access to all of this information through Google Classroom as well.

If anyone wants to set up a one on one Google Meet with me, please reach out so I can set that up. Your children also have that same option as well as my Q&A sessions each week.

Be Well! As always, if there are any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me!

Ms. Zezza

Follow me on Twitter @MsZezza


Tuesday, April 14th, 2020

Hello all and I hope all is well! Yesterday and today I have introduced Book Clubs to the students. I uploaded YouTube videos to help the students throughout the process as well. The details to the unit and and the supplemental materials can be found on this website under the correlating tabs. That information is the same information the students have on their Google classroom. It would be great if even more conversations happened at home about the books they are reading.

I have been holding live sessions twice a week for all my classes. I will continue to do this. Each week I will post the live meeting times and the link. After much consideration, the days and times, will vary based on the assignments for the week. I like to plan the live sessions based around the assignments for the week.

Stay well! I miss all my kiddos!

Ms. Zezza

Follow me on Twitter @MsZezza


Thursday, March 26th, 2020

Hello all and I hope all is well! Today, I held my first Google Meet session with my students. This was a live face to face chat for students to ask me any questions about assignments or to just chat! Social interaction is important even during this social distancing time. I wish more students would have attended though. I am going to try and have at least one live chat a week. As of right now, I will be doing a live chat for periods 5 & 6 on Monday, March 30th from 9:30 - 10:30 and for periods 1, 3 & 4 on Tuesday, March 31st from 9:30 - 10:30.

Honors students will be introduced to their last major assessment on Monday, so the live chat is a perfect opportunity to have them ask me questions face to face. Periods 1, 3 and 4, have been completing mini projects to close up Animal Farm. This is a great chance for them make sure they are completing the tasks correctly.

The second marking period ends April 2nd, 2020. After break we will be participating in Book Clubs for the 4th marking period. I am currently compiling possible options of how to approach this unit. I am hoping to disseminate this information before break.

I hope everyone is well and doing their best! Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns.

Ms. Zezza


Tuesday March 24th, 2020

Hey Everyone! Typically I do not post the assignments on my webpage, but I felt like the assignment they are doing today and that period 4 will be doing tomorrow is important for everyone to know abut. So here it is!

Okay All - I want you to view the video that is in your Daily Announcements, "Rooted in Love". REALLY pay attention to it. Really THINK about it. Then I want you to do to what Zoey and I did. Over the weekend, Zoey and I walked around town and wrote messages on the sidewalk so that people could stay positive during this kind of crazy time. Your job is to pick something. Anything. Make it positive. Take a picture of it. Maybe you write a nice letter to one of your parents. Spend time with your younger sibling. Write a positive message with chalk. Whatever positive thing you are doing, do it, take a picture of it and post it here as a comment. If you post it as a comment, everyone can see. If you don't want everyone to see it submit it and then just I will see it.

Tuesday, March 17th, 2020

Hello to all my students and families!

After day one of remote learning, I feel as though I have already worked through a few kinks. Tomorrow, Wednesday, March 18th, at 9:00 am, I will release the attendance, agenda and the documents for each of the classes I will be meeting. Additionally, I have linked a screencastify message, with a step by step video for the entire process. Hopefully, this assists with any uneasiness that may still be felt with with the work and process.

As always, email me if you have any questions or concerns. Stay healthy! #MakeGoodDecisions.

  • Ms. Zezza

Messages from Ms. Zezza

Monday, March 16th, 2020

Hello to all my students and their families!

Beginning tomorrow, Tuesday, March 17th, we be moving to remote learning. I want all of you to know that I am here for you and your children. I plan on delivering lessons to my students that are still rigorous and build on skills that we have been working on.

I will continue to post on my website, on a daily basis as well. Please e-mail me if you have any questions, concerns or comments.

Stay healthy and safe! #MakeGoodDecisions

Ms. Zezza

Please review the video to see how I will be taking attendance for remote learning. This has also been posted on Goggle Classroom