6th Grade STEAM

Welcome to our STEAM Class!

STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. We will be using all of these subjects when doing hands on Project Based Learning (PBL) challenges. PBL is a teaching method in which students learn by actively engaging in real-world and personally meaningful projects.

We will engage in both individual and group projects and rubrics will be used to measure outcomes. Students will be graded on the outcomes and knowledge gained from the class projects. There will be no formal tests in this class. Homework will only be assigned if a student has fallen behind; most of the time due to excessive absences.

The best way to reach me is through email at bgriller@holmdelschools.org, I will get back to you that same day or by the next school day at the latest.

Pictures of how the 6th graders used the Engineering Design Process to "Save Sam".

Sam's boat capsized and his life jacket came off. they could only use paper clips to get Sam back in his life jacket, the boat turned over and Sam safely back in the boat.

Programming Ozobot Robots with markers and Ozoblockly code!

All About The Northern Lights! .mp4

Scratch Animation Programming

Our 6th graders programmed a science or technology lesson by using Scratch drag and drop coding. Each program had more than one sprite / character animating and a stage / background change. They also used advanced features like loops, broadcasts and / or variables.