Welcome to a new school year students & parents! 

I am so excited to begin a new school year with you all. This year, I will work hard to create a welcoming and supportive classroom community both for students and parents! Let's all promise to work together and do our very best to create a strong classroom community. Know that I am dedicated to making this year a great one for us all, no matter what gets thrown our way! 

Click on the buttons below to go to important beginning of the year hyperlinks!

Students will complete this beginning of the year survey during the first week of school.

Parents will be asked to complete this beginning of the year survey during the first week of school.

This button will bring you to the 6th grade Summer Reading page - please make sure you bring your work in during the 1st week of school!

This button will open the document that contains your Supply List for this school year!

When sending in food to our classroom, please be considerate and abide by our Safe Snack Guide provided by the health department. You can find that PDF linked below!