๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿ“–Reading is Key๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿ“š

"It's all about surrounding kids with high-interest reading materials -- books! You gotta have water in a pool if you're going to be a swimmer, and you have to have really good books, particularly around reluctant readers, if you want kids to be good readers."

-- Kelly Gallagher, Readicide

A love of reading starts at home and is fostered through encouragement and reading alongside your child. We know that children can only become better readers by reading, and that there are so many more benefits of being a lifelong reader beyond test scores, like becoming a more empathetic and compassionate human being.

In โ€œone of the most extensive studies of independent reading yet conducted,โ€ Anderson, Wilson, and Fielding (1988) traced reading growth to independent reading and reading volume. They found that the amount of time students spent in independent reading outside of school was the best predictor of reading achievement.

When we add just 10 more minutes a day to our reading, exposure to language and words increases dramatically, as well as a student's percentile ranking on standardized testing. This information is from Kylene Beers and Robert Probst in their research presented in Disrupting Thinking, published in 2017.

Here are some questions you can use to facilitate discussions around shared texts or television shows to help practice some of the strategies and thinking we will do this year:

Discussion Cards for Families

Why We Should Let Kids Read GRAPHIC NOVELS

Benefits of Graphic Novels: ENGAGEMENT

Created by Jarrett Lerner, used with permission for educational settings

Benefits of Graphic Novels: VOCABULARY

Created by Jarrett Lerner, used with permission for educational settings

Back to School Night

BTS Night Achieve 22-23

Achieve Information