Graphic Arts and Photography

Graphic Arts

The Graphic Design class offers hands-on experience for students interested in combining artistic creativity and computer technology. Students receive practical knowledge of design principles and elements, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, and Adobe Illustrator, as well as personal communication skills. In this project-based course, students will build a graphic design portfolio.

Advanced Graphic Design is for students who are interested in learning more about the graphic design field. Advanced Graphic Design class will build on the elements of art and principles of design taught in Graphic Design Class. Students will use Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator to complete in-depth projects that focus on different careers in graphic design, such as publishing and advertising. Students will create a digital portfolio that will be presentation-ready when applying for college graphic design programs.

Photo: Isabel Y. Food Dye In Water Photography 1

Photography 1 – The Photography I Course serves as a comprehensive introduction to the technical and creative aspects of digital and 35mm film photography. Through a variety of projects, the course introduces the shooting modes, controls and functions of the digital camera. With this technical knowledge at hand, students learn the composition guidelines and techniques necessary to attain an advanced level of picture taking. With a nod to the history of photography, the course covers 35 millimeter film photography with hands on lessons that feature “old school” cameras, photo chemistry and darkroom printmaking. The curriculum then reverts back to digital photography as students, now equipped with photography’s building blocks, are challenged with creative assignments. Throughout the semester, students also analyze the works of photography masters and explore the advanced tools of the Adobe Photoshop application.

Photo: Erica L. Exploring Lighting Techniques Photography 2

Photography 2 – This course builds on the concepts learned in Photography I course. During the first term, students are introduced to advanced technical topics and techniques. New equipment is presented to students in the form of studio lighting, light meters and more. Various photography careers, such as event photography, are explored via projects in Unit 3. Additional creative projects will challenge the students in the second half of the second term. Students will continue to explore the masters of photography and Adobe Photoshop application.

Photography 3

Photography 3 – Using techniques, concepts and equipment employed in Photography I and II courses, students will compile a portfolio of photographs. Students will work independently, and not in groups this semester. Students will be challenged with thematic projects and will rely on their Photo I and II experience to explore creative solutions. New techniques and equipment will also be introduced. By the end of the course, students will amass a portfolio of 20 photo explorations that display a knowledge of composition techniques, photo history and camera function.