Homework, Tests, and Assignments

Homework Assignments:

Week of 1/06-


  • pg. 763-764 (Topic 14-3)


  • pg. 769-770 (Topic 14-4)


  • pg. 775-776 (Topic 14-5)


  • pg. 781-782 (Topic 14-6)


  • n/a

Spelling Homework:

  • U3 W1&2 review- due

*Reading Log- Please read for 10-15 minutes each night, Monday through Thursday. Students may read books from their book bag or a book from home.

**Spelling Journal- Please complete one spelling menu choice for each set of words. Due date will be written in the journal each week.


1/10- Spelling U3 W1&2 Review (blends)

1/7-1/8- MAP Test- Literacy

1/9-10- MAP Test- Math

1/16- Math Topic 14 Test

1/22-1/23- Literacy Unit 3 Test

Reading Log

Reading Logs will be sent home every Monday and returned on Friday. Students can read independently, with a family member, or be read to.

Book Bags

Book bags are a great way for students to bring home books tailored to their current reading level. Each day students will have the opportunity to take a book home that they can read with you. Once they finish reading that book, they may bring back the book and trade it for a new book.


Math homework will be sent home most nights, corresponding with the lesson completed in class that day. If homework pages cannot be completed on the night sent home, try to complete it on another night to help reinforce that math concept. Please let me know if your child seems to be struggling with any specific concepts, topics, or types of problems on the homework.

Spelling Menu:

Each week students will bring home their Writing Journal and a Spelling Menu homework page. Please help your child to choose two boxes from the menu to complete with the spelling list for that week. Students may complete additional choices on the menu throughout the week, however it is not required to complete more than one menu option per spelling list.

Each week help your child to choose different menu boxes to complete. Spelling lists will be sent home on the Focus Page at the start of each “week.” Our literacy program does not always follow a 5 day week, therefore Focus Pages will be sent home on the day that we begin a new “week”. They may use the spelling words, high frequency words, and review words to complete their spelling menu activity.

Please use the monthly spelling menu that has been glued into their journal. Please have your child chose a different menu item to complete each time.