Indian Hill Chorus

Click here for the Chorus 23-24 Google Classroom!

Click here for Rehearsal Schedule!

Chorus will now be held A, C, and F days before school. I attached a detailed schedule for you. Please bookmark this or print it if you'd like. If your child is also in band, they will be excused from any chorus rehearsals missed. Please let me know if your child is not in school that day and can not make rehearsal. It is really important that students attend all rehearsals if they are in school so they are prepared for the concert which is Thursday, December 14th. Thank you for your help!

We would like to clarify drop off at rehearsals before school. Please be mindful of the following:

- We ask to please refrain from dropping off your child if there is not a staff member holding the door open at Door 37. Please remain in your car in the drop off line until Mrs. McCarthy, Ms. Nigro, or a monitor with a Holmdel badge is holding the door for your child. This will ensure that the students are safe and supervised.

- Rehearsals will begin at 8:00 AM. The doors will be open each day around then, so that will be the best time to arrive. Students will not be let in before then.

- Please do not go around other cars in the drop off line. Once you have dropped off your child at Door 37, please exit the parking lot so we can keep cars moving and get students in for rehearsal on time. 

- Lastly, please do not park your car and drop your child off to walk on the crosswalk. If you need to do this, we ask you to accompany them at the crosswalk. We do not have a crossing guard prior to school beginning and want to make sure your child is safe!

We really appreciate all your help and cooperation with this. Thank you for all you do and for bringing your child to rehearsals each morning! Your support in the arts is truly appreciated!

Here's to a great choir season!

Choir Rehearsal Schedule 2024