Spanish Elementary Program

Spanish Elementary Program

The Spanish Elementary Program began in 1998. The program reaches our students enrolled in the Traditional Elementary and Montessori Programs. The Spanish Elementary Program begins in Kindergarten and continues until 5th grade graduation from Miller School. Spanish Instruction takes place once a week for 50 minutes at Placentino (K-2) and three times a week for 30 minutes for our 3rd graders and 4th graders and 25 minutes daily for 5th graders.

Instructions are conducted in Spanish and their focus is on developing communication proficiency for real world applications. To developed 21st century skills in the language classroom we use technology and a project-based approach when appropriate to facilitate the learning of all learners.

The Curriculum

ACTFL - World Readiness Standards provide our road map for the K-5 students.

For more information on our curriculum please visit our school's specific websites:

Spanish at Miller

Spanish at Placentino