Teacher Resources

Below are some helpful websites containing resources that support our work with English Learners.


On this page, there are many useful links, including information about guidance and laws, the RETELL initiative, and state-mandated assessment for ELs.


Since 2012, MA has belonged to the WIDA consortium, which "advances academic language development and academic achievement for children and youth who are culturally and linguistically diverse through high quality standards, assessments, research, and professional learning for educators."


WIDA's Can Do Descriptors offer a focus on what language learners can do to participate meaningfully in teaching and learning in academic contexts. There are links on the right to download the Can Do Descriptors for Grades 2-3 and Grades 4-5


Colorin Colorado is a bilingual site for educators and parents of English Language Learners.


This website from the U.S. State Dept. provides materials for teachers' professional development and for students in the classroom.


This link from the Massachusetts Educators of English Language Learners (MATSOL) contains helpful resources for everyone who works with English Learners.