Support From Home

Dear Parents,

As this is your child's first year with homework, I feel as though it's very important to keep the lines of communication open. If your child is ever feeling overwhelmed with an assignment, or even just a question, please let me know through email or a quick note on their homework. I am happy to let them come in and complete it during morning work time with the support of a teacher. They will receive homework Monday-Thursdays, which will most likely consist of math practice, mindful moment, and studying their spelling words.

Each night, students are strongly encouraged to read at home for at least 20 minutes. This can be done with any family member, a friend or simply by themselves. They can read several quick books or just continue reading an unfinished chapter book. Also, as your are your child's first and closest teacher, it is encouraged that you discuss any recently read stories, staying actively engaged in their reading development. Below is another great link to assist in book talks! :)

Tips for Parents


Miss Driscoll