
What will you read?

Audible Stories

For as long as schools are closed, we're open. Starting today, kids everywhere can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, that will help them continue dreaming, learning, and just being kids.


Interactive nonfiction ebooks that incorporate videos, Google Maps, worksheets, audio, and other exciting interactive features. Great for K-5.

Junior Library Guild

While schools are closed, Junior Libary Guild is opening up it's book streaming service for free. Scroll to the bottom to

find selections based on grade level.

Time For Kids

Time for kids is offering their digital library free for the rest of the school year. Registration by an adult is required. Please click the link above to be directed to the registration form.

Teen Book Cloud

TeenBookCloud is an online collection of ebooks, enhanced novels, graphic novels, videos and audio books, which offers students of all reading levels access to a range of content.

Content is suggested for grades 6-12

Username: tumble2020

Password: a3b5c6

Abdo Digital Bookshelf

Free e-books for grades K-12 with additional interactive content for grades K-2. Scroll and click on QR codes for access.


During this time, JSTOR and our participating publishers are making additional content freely available to participating institutions where students have been displaced.

Register for a Library Card

The Holliston Public Library offers the opportunity to register for a library card via their homepage. Just scroll to the bottom and a link with directions is provided.


This free online library / digital media service is offered by the Holliston public library. A library card is necessary to register. Each user is allowed four downloads per month. Browse books, audio books, ebooks, comics, movies, music and TV on your computers, tablets, phones, and even TVs.


Libby is a free app where you can borrow ebooks and digital audiobooks from your public library. You can stream books with Wi-Fi or mobile data, or download them for offline use and read anytime, anywhere. A library card is required.