
We are Team KPGR


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Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth Fan Club

RAMS Gurus want you to join them in their mission.

Click HERE to join us.

  1. Watch Paper Clips as an example of Choosing to Participate.
  2. Read and analyze Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
    1. How do the characters in the book create positive relationships and a sense of community in the plot?
    2. What can we take from the characters’ missteps to help us avoid catastrophe in our project?
  3. Analyze the origin stories of 1854 Cycling, Love Squad, and Adriana Arguijo Photography. Adiana's Presentation
    1. What has the founder created?
    2. How does social media play a role in his/her purpose?
    3. What lessons can we adopt to create our community?
  4. Plan a brief presentation for RAMS 6th graders on our Mission and Expectations for our InstaCommunity.
  5. Present to a small group of 6th graders on March 20th and 21st.

Groups have been created based on class size and previous dynamics from this year.

Review two main rubrics to familiarize yourself with some group expectations.

Send an email to ALL members of your group AND me that contains the following items:

  1. Subject
  2. Greeting
  3. Top three reasons this group will be productive.
  4. A BRIEF description about any major concerns regarding group dynamics. (Nerves are real and the more we can predict possible roadblocks, the better our dynamics can work.)
  5. Closing
  6. Signature (Team Name)