Life's a Peach

Seeking help can be hard, from being comfortable enough to reach out to a provider to finding resources that benefit you, none of it is an easy process. I've created this website to assist with finding resources. On this website you'll find outpatient providers, emergency psychiatric facilities, crisis lines, worksheets and more. 

I want everyone to have access to ethical healthcare. Because I work in Ohio, the majority of resources will be local to the area but I will continue to add resources as I find new ones I see beneficial. Feel free to reach out with questions or inquiries about adding resources. 

About Me

Ally Ashdown (she/her) is a licensed social worker who graduated with her Master’s in Social Work from Campbellsville University where she specialized in substance use. Ally’s experience in the field has taught her the importance of developing connections with clients where they feel heard, understood, valued, and safe. Her approach to therapy is solution-focused and client-centered, she understands that each client is unique. She meets the client where they’re at and utilizes a strengths-based approach to promote empowerment, Ally loves to see her client’s progress and celebrates with them when they meet their goals. Her specialties are strength-based approaches, substance use, self-harm, self-esteem, depression, and anxiety.  

Ally lives in Dayton, Ohio with her 2 cats- Fig and Peach. She enjoys crafting, painting, getting outside, and being with family.