Adapted Curriculum- Extended Content Standards
Adapted Curriculum-Extended Content Standards
Program Overview
This program supports curriculum adaptations to address the Standard Course of Study, methodology and best practices, implementation of the NCEXTEND1, and other issues regarding students with significant cognitive disabilities.
A significant cognitive disability is defined as: Students with significant cognitive disabilities have cognitive and adaptive behavior functioning deficits that may prevent them from attaining grade level achievement standards, even with substantial program modifications and accommodations.
They may require extensive individualized instruction across multiple settings to access and make progress in the learning environment.
The significant cognitive disabilities cannot be the primary result of: excessive or extended absences, social, cultural, and economic differences, identification as an English Learner (EL), pre-determined poor performance on grade level assessments, administrator decision, educational environment or instructional setting.
NC Extend 1 Alternate Assessment Eligibility Requirements
To determine participation in the NCEXTEND1 alternate assessment, the following eligibility requirements must be met: – The student must have a current IEP. – The student is enrolled in grades 3–8, according to PowerSchool. – The student is instructed using the North Carolina Extended Content Standards in all assessed content areas (i.e., ELA/Reading, Mathematics, and Science). – The student has a significant cognitive disability.