MULGA-inspired Relief Prints

Welcome to our virtual art gallery. Click on the links (top left) to view our Mulga-inspired relief prints and their stories.

Atticus the Platypus by Mulga the Artist

This term, the 5/6 students explored the Sydney-based artist Joel Moore (Mulga the Artist). He is known for his detailed line work and vivid colours, as well as creating larger than life animal characters. In Mulga's worlds, the animals wear glasses, Hawaiian shirts and eat ice-creams all day. 

After analysing what made Mulga's artworks unique, the 5/6 students set about creating their own unique character. Our characters needed to be drawn in a cartoon style and wear accessories or clothes to appear human. They also needed to have a unique backstory. We explored printmaking and learned about how to create relief prints using styrofoam. There were a lot of skills the students had to practice including writing their characters name BACKWARDS so it would print correctly! They then applied the process repeatedly to make a series of prints using their characters.