Karla Carr, Library Media Specialist

Email: kcarr@hisd.com

Karla Carr is the dedicated Library Media Specialist at Hallsville High School, bringing a passion for literacy and education to her role. With her commitment to fostering a love of reading among students, Karla plays a crucial role in the academic community. She is known for her innovative approach to integrating technology into library services, making information more accessible and engaging for the school community.

Beyond her duties within the library, Karla is a strong advocate for literacy initiatives, organizing reading programs and events that inspire a culture of lifelong learning. Her warm and welcoming demeanor makes the library a hub of intellectual exploration and creativity for students and staff alike.

Karla Carr's commitment to empowering students through knowledge and information underscores her invaluable contribution to Hallsville High School's educational mission.

Tammy Edwards, Library Media Specialist Assistant

Email: tedwards@hisd.com

I graduated from Hallsville High School in 1982 and began working for the district in 1995 as a Data Entry Clerk. I am currently employed at the High School Library as Library Media Specialist Assistant. Also, I am a very PROUD and LOUD BOBCAT FAN!