Selecting process journal extracts

Students should carefully select evidence from their process journals to demonstrate development in all criteria. These extracts are submitted as appendices of the report or presentation at the conclusion of the project. The student should take responsibility for

making the appropriate extracts available to the supervisor. Students should select a maximum of 10 individual extracts to represent the key developments of the project. The student should select extracts that demonstrate how he or she has addressed each of the objectives, or annotate extracts to highlight this information.

An extract may include:

  • visual thinking diagrams
  • bulleted lists
  • charts
  • short paragraphs
  • notes
  • timelines, action plans
  • annotated illustrations
  • annotated research
  • artifacts from inspirational visits to museums, performances, galleries
  • pictures, photographs, sketches
  • up to 30 seconds of visual or audio material
  • screenshots of a blog or website
  • self and peer assessment feedback.

Materials directly relevant to the achievement of the project should also be included in the extracts, as appropriate. For example, if the student has produced a questionnaire or survey that has been described and analysed in the report, he or she could include a segment of that completed survey. An individual extract may include any of the formats that the student used to document the process. Extracts should simply be supporting evidence of the process and will not be individually assessed.