Works Cited


We are currently using MLA 8 format which was adopted in 2016. MLA 9 will be published Spring 2021.

Working on your WORKS CITED page?

Below you will find the format document to use on your citation page. You will also find the grading scale for your works cited document. (You will be given a paper copy of these as well.)


important note:

The minimum requirements for any work cited entry for a website are:

  • article title (in quotes)

  • website title (in italics)

  • URL.

  • The author, the publisher, and the date may all be missing on a website, but usually not all of three of those pieces of information are missing on the same site. Please ask for help in locating any missing information.

works cited checklist
Works Cited Page Rubric
Works Cited for Websites - part 1.webm

Works Cited

Website Citation

Video Tutorial

Works Cited for Websites, part 2.webm

Works Cited

Website Citation

Video Tutorial - Part 2