Grade 8 Science

Welcome to Grade 8 Science! Science shapes the world around us in many ways including politics, technology, and our understanding of the past. This course will incorporate the use of scientific inquiry, research, measurement, and problem solving. This course will examine the following concepts: atmosphere and climate, changes to Earth's surface, gravity and kinetic energy, planetary science, and chemical interactions.

Grade 8 Science Supplies: (Advanced)

  • Three Ring Binder - can be shared with other subjects

  • (2) Bound Composition Notebooks

  • Chromebook

  • Pens, pencils, colored pencils, highlighters, pencil sharpener, extra erasers, glue stick

  • Simple calculator

Grade 8 Science Supplies: (Upper Standard)

  • (4) Bound Composition Notebooks

  • Chromebook

  • Pens, pencils, colored pencils, highlighters, pencil sharpener, extra erasers, glue stick

  • Simple calculator