Second Grade Schedule

Today's Schedule

9:00 Davening (Morah Tovi)

Tefilla together on ZOOM.

please make sure your sidur is ready!

Join us live by clicking on the link or use code 578-122-8958.

Judaic Skills Practice (Time Permitting)

Work in your Handwriting folder (yellow folder) until 9:45

9:45 Language Arts (Miss Adams)

During this session, the students will learn about singular and plural possessive nouns. The students will also sign up for the web page Rocket Spelling.

Join Miss Adams live by clicking on the link

10:15 Snack /Story (Independent)

Enjoy a snack while listening to one of your second grade teachers read a story. (What Are You So Grumpy About?)

10:25 Recess/ Break

10:35 Chumash (Morah Tovi)

Join Morah Tovi live for a Judaic Studies lesson. Click the link or use code 578-122-8958.

We are going again over פרק יא the last perek of parashat noach.

We will work on these sheets click here

11:05 Judaic (Independent/Morah Tovi)

Go on iTalAm and work on chumash Parshat Noach מגדל בבל click here

11:45 Lunch/Recess

12:45 Math (Mrs. Uebing)

Join Mrs. Uebing live by clicking on the link

1: 15 Language Arts (Independent)

Spend 15 minutes working on

User Name: your first name

Password: 2234

Spend the rest of your time reading a book of your choice or working on a journal page.

1:45 Math/Language Arts (Independent)

Click on the links below to independently play an online reading or math game. We have recently sent out student codes for Xtramath! Have fun!

2:00 Ivrit (Morah Tovi)

Go on iTalAm Ivrit (the red part) finish מה לומדים click here

2:30 Town Hall Meeting (All Teachers)

Chat with your teachers and classmates live to discuss the events of the day!

Join us live by clicking on the link

3:00 Hebrew Reading(Independent)

Chumash: פרק יא פסוקים ה-ט click here

Tafilah reading: The 6th Bracha ( השיבנו) of שמונה עשרה (page 6 in your folder) 2 times

Kriah reading: pages 200, 201 (in your folder)

3:20 Special Time(Independent)

Choose a gym, art, science, or technology activity.