Expectations & Procedures

Two Words: WORK ETHIC.

Your success in this class and in life depends on these two simple words.

We are here to learn.  To take risks.  To engage.  To listen respectfully to others. To make suggestions about improving the world we live in.  To write.  To ask questions.  To grow.  To think crtitically. To write some more. To show grit. To improve. To NEVER be satisfied with being mediocre. To never quit--even when the assignment gets hard or takes longer than we'd like. Don't run away from hard work! 

My MOST IMPORTANT rule:  come to class prepared to work.


I DO take grades on notes as well as other typical assignments (worksheets, quizzes, bell work, digital assignments, tests, projects, etc.)

100-90% = A

89-80% = B

79-70% = C

69-60% = D

59% and below =  F (ineligible for any school activity)

**This class requires work. Hard work is rewarded with a good grade. Focus more on WHAT and IF you are learning instead of the letter grade on your report card. You can have straight As and still not be able to pass the end of the year state tests. Always ask yourself: "Am I LEARNING this, or am I simply gathering a grade?"


Late Work  & Absent Work


*MOST discipline problems arise when students should be listening and/or working instead of talking.

Note: it is possible for a student to move through all four steps in a single class period. 


Conference with Teacher

Student AND Teacher Call Home/Lunch Detention

Office referral


You have a 5-minute passing period between classes. This time is used for bathroom and drink breaks. If you need to go during class, please wait until it is independent work time. Do not ask to go during a lesson or group activity unless it is an absolute emergency. (You will leave your phone and Smart watch in your backpack when you leave during class). If you miss the lesson, it can cause you to struggle with the concept being learned. You will be given three FREE hall passes each nine weeks to use as needed. After you use them (or they are lost), each hall pass will cost you one lunch detention.  Unused hall passes can be turned in at the end of the nine weeks for bonus points.


Plagairism is stealing. It is copying another person's work and calling it your own. It is a BIG deal and can get you in tons of trouble in class and in life. When using another person's work (their words and/or images), you MUST cite them as your source. You cannot simply copy and paste. You also cannot copy and change only a word or two and call it your own. You must rewrite the information completely in your own words. Same goes for images. If you find one you like and want to copy and paste onto a project, make sure you cite the source! Plagairism/inaccurate documentation of sources will result in a zero on an assignment! Just. Don't. Do. It.


I strive to make this classroom a safe place for you. We will speak respectfully to one another while here. We can all learn how to deal with people we disagree with or simply don't like--the right way. Hatefulness, hurtful "jokes", and/or mean spirited sarcasm will earn you a detention. If it becomes a problem that isn't being resolved, we will seek guidance from Mrs. Horn and/or Mr. Riddle.