Do note that parking is not available within the school premises. 

Welcome to the HIHS Open House 2023! We are glad that you are here to experience our school community, and to take in the sights and sounds which makes our school a vibrant learning environment that has a rich 130-year long heritage.

Our HI students are proud to share with you their experiences at CCAs as well as the key programmes through which their engage in learning. Feel free to try out the activities that they have planned, and don't forget the yummy freebies that are available too!  

Also, don't miss the Principal's Talk that is hosted by our Principal, Mrs Rebecca Chew, together with the Vice Principals and Heads of Departments, where they will share more about our school curriculum. 

May you have an enriching day with us, and we hope that you had a good encounter with the Good Samaritans of HIHS. God bless you!

