Making visible

Object Story

In this humanities project, we pick an object and research about it to write about it then make it photo shop and how it looked through the years. Mine is about games, from board game to arcade games. 

Infrastructure Project

In my humanities class The students was made into groups and made a poster about the infrastructure of a house and how we get power and things we use every day in a house. 

Math identity card

In math each student took a survey, then the answer where turn in to graft and each student pick the grafts they like and how they relate to the graft. 

  Staff Portrait


I interview them then we rewrite a bio about them


I take a picture of a staff member and made into a chart


I took few of the lines and do some annotations

Computer Circuit

In Physics, the class to make a 8-bit adder and the adder was spilt in to 8 circuit boards with a table having 1 board. Each broad was divided in to quarters. This is the final draft of my quarter. 

Under the Surface book

In my humanities The student in the class were paired up with another to write about a topic and information that you could not do 1 search and know about it. Then we put the pages we made in to a book.

Here is the pdf of the book (PDF link)