Spring semester 24'

Elements of self

this project was simple and fun getting to put our strengths and goals into a visual reprsentation of atomic shells

Substance profile

In this project students were assigned a chemical to research and give information on a full hand Lewis diagram

Ionic vs covalent mini project

In this project students were allowed to access their creativity and design a project based on the meanings of ionic and covalent bonds

Fenix Tate Bajsec and Zachary Morgan Fletchers Presentation

Chemical reaction slides

This slide deck was presented at Exhibition to showcase mine and another students chemical reaction on cyanotype dying

Visual patterns step project

This project was a math sheet where students were able to have some flex where they made their own math equations 

Final essay on Guantanamo Bay

this essay was written to describe the ways that prisoners are wronged at the detention camp of guantanamo bay

Fenix Bajsec - The Scandal of Guantanamo Bay

Final Presentation on Guantanamo Bay

Presentation given at exhibition to showcase the information from my essay