
Identity Card

The Identity Card was a project we did where we collected data from all students. It had my learning style, How many plants me and my team have in our homes, how many cups of water we drink in a day.

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For this section of the project everyone got in pairs and based their newspaper on a topic. My group chose climate change. For weeks we worked on this newspaper adding graphs, quotes, art, we also had 2 interviews with human sources.

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In physics we were given a bag of supplies. Our goal was to build a spinner that spun for at least 5-10 seconds. All students tried but didn't get too far. Our teacher then taught us how to make the spinner last longer and how moment of inertia works. I then added 2 pennies to the ends of my spinner and it spun a lot longer.

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For the experiences writing we worked with a partner. We then came up with a statement for the writing, we chose "How to prevent school shootings." We had to find 3 lenses about how we see the world. In the last part of the assignment we wrote about how each of our lenses view our topic.

Click this to see a better version of the experiences writing