Ripple Effect

The Ripple Effect

Here are all the mini projects I've done that are associated with The Ripple Effect, all on one page!

Water Card

The Water Card project was our first major project of the semester, being based on your association with water. In my water card, I put information about myself such as observations at the lake, my distance from where I live to where my nearest body of water is, and a box plot of whether students liked the ocean or not. In the end, I was proud of the final prouduct.

Mission Bay Article

Somewhere in September, our Freshman team went to Mission Bay to check it out, take pictures, and just have an experience around water. Afterwards, our articles were the result. We each had to write an article about our experience at the bay, mine being about the photography part of it. I described how it was to take photos there, what it felt, how I took them, and stuff like that. This particular assignment I was most proud of, having several changes done to it until it was finally published.

Water Bottle

The Water Bottle project was one that put all 3 subjects, (Humanities, Math, Physics.) and mashed them all together to make this one beautiful art piece. We were given choices on which body of water to base our project on with a partner, my partner and I choosing San Diego Bay. Finn, my assigned teammate, chose to focus on the old San Diego Bay while I focused on the new. I painted a water painting of the bay, wrote about the recent 100 years of history for it, and had with some statistics to go along with it.

Humans of Water

Now in November, our class had to do interviews with people who have an association with water. In this case, I chose my dad, who's a surfer. Our interview involved what he found most interesting about surfing, why he got into it, what he doesn't like about surfing, etc. The portion I chose to include on mine was what he found interesting about it, seeing as it was the most fruitful answer and really showed his personality and story about the surfer experience.

Op-ed Piece

As I said, the Ripple Effect was about how we can give exposure to problems and find solutions to the water we drink; so what better way to do that than getting your thoughts in the newspaper! For this assignment, we had a choice to either write to an editor (of the newspaper), write to a legislature, or write an Op-Ed. As you can probably tell from the title, I wrote an Op-Ed about the pollution project in our oceans, which probably has had enough exposure but then again, few people are doing anything about it. In this 700 word piece of writing, I wrote about the problem of pollution in our ocean and putting it into perspective as well as finding possible solutions to it. This was another writing piece I was proud of, as this was my first writing piece to break 400-500 words, even better, 700.

Math Modeling Poster

The Math-Modeling poster was one about a documentary we watched during the time, Seaspiracy, which focused on giving exposure to the effcts we have on our seas. We focused on one question to write about, made assumptions about it, considered the variables, making a graph to find our answer to the question, and the conclusion of it. My focus question was 'How much trash will be in the ocean by 2040?', and through my graph, I estimated that by 2040, there would be 136.7 Million metric tons worth of trash in the ocean. Huge, right?

Water Purifier

Moving away from Humanities, building a water purifier was one of the labs we did in Physics. It focused around making a well, water purifier as the name suggests. My group focused on making a chlorine generator through electrolysis. Through our design, you would pour in water mixed with uniodized salt and once the electrolysis process was done, chlorine (and bleach) would come out which can be used to sterilize water. We only had 3 weeks to build it, so in that short amount of time, we documented everything we did and made this, which I still find crazy to believe.

Field Heat Lab

This lab was done when the class was at Mission Bay, similar to when I wrote the article. In the lab, we measured the heat flow from different surfaces to another. Mine was the heat flow from the concrete to the air, using water as a reference. I quickly drew a picture of what the project looked like in MS paint, since I didn't take a picture of it at the bay and dare I say, it looks quite good.

Exhibition Dolphin Tail

The last project of the year was for exhibition, an event we had at the end of the semester to show off all our work at the end of the year. Our group did a cardboard dolphin tail, putting plastic in it to represent the effects we have on our environment. We also had to each talk about the problem, my part was the effects we had on the ocean. Though it was done in a very short time, I think it looked decent.