Adverse Weather

In the event of adverse weather, parents will be contacted via email. The Highland Council also have an adverse weather line which can be used to check for school closures - 08005642272 . Dial the number then enter the school pin - 042410.



It is the responsibility of parents or carers to decide if a pupil should attempt to travel to school, by transport or on foot, in adverse weather conditions. The Council encourages full attendance at school but in severe weather conditions the safety of pupils is much more important. Parents and pupils are often concerned that important examinations may be missed, but this should not over-ride good judgement. Schools normally make alternative arrangements for missed examinations. 

The school updates its procedures for adverse weather closure annually, therefore:-

When weather conditions are poor:-  

Local radio stations issue news and weather bulletins on traffic conditions and school closures. Transmissions may not cover all households and may be subject to re-scheduling but should be helpful. Parents are advised to remain “tuned in” to ongoing road weather, or school information updates. 

Broadcast times

BBC Radio Highland

6.30 a.m.

12.30 p.m.

7.30 a.m.

4.30 p.m.

8.30 a.m.

5.30 p.m.


In extreme conditions Radio Highland will interrupt Radio Scotland transmissions, usually on the hour, to carry emergency bulletins. 

Nevis Radio will carry bulletins at roughly ten minute intervals between 7.00 am and 8.00 am

Lochbroom FM will carry bulletins at quarter-hour intervals between 7.15 am and 8.45 am.

Moray Firth Radio

Local news on the hour 6am – 6pm carries local information on weather, roads and conditions affecting schools.  In severe conditions normal programmes will be interrupted more frequently to carry emergency bulletins. 

Two Lochs Radio will broadcast a local news bulletins from 7.30am. In severe conditions normal programmes will be interrupted more frequently to carry emergency bulletins.

Please do not telephone local Radio for advice but listen to appropriate broadcasts. 

For pupils using school transport

When weather conditions are poor, parents should ensure that children are met at the “drop-off” point, especially where public service transport is used.