
Submit Work in Class Dojo 


Write your spelling words 3x each:

fact, ant, wept, shack, glass, what, does

Write your dictation sentence:

What does Jack smell in the pond?


Have your child go to Clever and go to I-Ready. Then have them complete one lesson on I-Ready reading.


We will begin introducing opinion writing. The students will be given two choices and will have to make a choice and give three reasons why. The prompt is: Would you rather play in the snow or play in the sand? They must provide three reasons why. 

 I would rather ____. 



Last, ______. 

Check for capital letters and punctuation marks. 

Our vocabulary word of the day is plaque.

Plaque is a slimy film made from germs that can cause tooth decay 

Have your student write the definition and use plaque in a sentence. After this, have your student draw a picture to match. 
