
March 2022

Principal's Welcome

Dear Parents/Carers

Our pupils have engaged in many learning experiences as part of the curriculum and co-curriculum this term. Pupils from Year 1-6 took part in STEM workshops in the first week of term which really launched our whole school transdisciplinary theme of ‘How the World Works.’ You can find out more about the workshops within the newsletter.

Pupils have also had the opportunity to engage in workshops with Animal Encounters as part of our work for Happiness Day!

Book Day brought lots of opportunities for reading activities and writing outcomes. Thank you for supporting your child to embrace the magic themed dress up day. If you attended Open Classroom last week you will have seen some of the amazing writing linked to magical texts such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.

We hope you have enjoyed the opportunity to start coming back into the academy to experience Open Morning with your child. If your child’s class has not had an Open Morning so far this school year you will receive a letter for one during the summer term. Thank you for your engagement at the recent parent consultation evenings. This communication between home and school is vital for us to support your child to do their very best. We are often being asked about ways to help children further at home. Reading for pleasure is one of the biggest ways you can support your child. This doesn’t always have to be sitting to read a book from school. It could be a screen based book, reading a recipe if making something at home in the kitchen with an adult, reading Top Trumps cards if playing a game or taking it in turns to read a page each of a favourite book. Discussing the content of a book really helps to develop reading skills. Additionally, we have subscriptions to Times Tables Rock Stars and Numbots and depending on your child’s age, they will have a login to at least one of these apps. Playing at home will really support your child’s mathematical skills so please encourage them to have a go as part of the homework routines that you have in place. We are often in competitions against other LAT academies so the more points we can achieve the better! Homework continues to be shared via Google Classroom so please ensure you are supporting your child to complete it.

We have been treated to some warmer, brighter days over the past few days which has pleased the pupils as it has meant the fields and trim trail area have been made available at lunchtimes! Please ensure your child comes prepared for all weather conditions as we know how changeable the weather can be. Can I also remind you to ensure your child’s uniform and PE kit is named. We continue to have a lot of lost property as we are unable to return unnamed items.

We hope that you enjoy reading about some of the learning that has been taking place this term.

Thank you for your on going support.

I hope you all have an enjoyable and restful Easter Break. Happy Easter!

Mrs G Stangroom


STEM club has proven to be a very popular and exciting club for our pupils. A group have been taking part in a weekly after school club where they have taken part in a wide range of activities and challenges, such as making a holder to place an egg in, and then dropping the egg from height to see if the egg would crack. We have also had a go at decoding and delved into forensics by taking our fingerprint. Another popular challenge was having to build a bridge or tower out of just marshmallows and dry spaghetti.

We have also been lucky enough to be able to participate in some whole class workshops. These involved working in groups to complete activities such as designing and building a vehicle out of cardboard, and designing a lego house but also having to work within a set budget.

Parent Survey Summary

Thank you to the parents and carers who completed the first LAT parent survey last term. Just like the survey results for our academy survey in October, the results were really positive. Below is a summary of the results.

We are always striving to improve. As a result of the survey outcomes we will endeavour to ensure that all parents feel they understand the positive impact of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP) and the impact of digital devices. We will do this by sharing details about the learning that takes place throughout the year. The re-introduction of Open Morning sessions and Open Classroom events will provide parents with further opportunities to be involved in the learning process with their children.

If you would like to share any ideas in the future about how we can continue to improve please let us know.

Newsletter-Survey Summary

Book Week

Words could not describe the buzz of excitement around the school during Book Week. The children looked amazing in their magic inspired costumes and our academy felt more magical than Hogwarts. We even had our very own Professor Mcgonagall greeting the children at the gates!

We kickstarted the day with a spellbinding assembly led by Mrs Wonka to give everyone the opportunity to admire the wide range of costumes and celebrate all things reading. Each class then immersed themselves in a key text inspired by our theme ‘The Magic of Reading.’

Excitement oozed out of each class as children hunted for magical creatures, experimented with potions, tested and designed magical sweets, entered magical wardrobes and created shapeshifting creatures and curious beasts!

Across the school children drew upon these experiences to produce the most exceptional pieces of writing that can be seen proudly displayed in our school corridors. We rounded up the week by bringing in our favourite books from home and sharing them with children from another class. The smiles on the children's faces say it all and demonstrates how much pleasure and joy books can bring us.

Times Tables Rock Stars

After finishing 13th out of 13 academies in the TTRS competition during module 3, High Halstow really worked hard to ensure this did not happen again. During module 4, Spider, Cricket, Ant and Butterfly Class have been working hard on TTRS. Out of the 13 LAT academies taking part, we placed 5th on the leaderboard which earnt the academy a special shout out in the award assembly due to the great improvement – Deservedly so!

A special mention goes to Cricket Class who were the ‘Highest Scoring Band’ at HHPA, and to Jack Langford who scored as the ‘Most Valuable Player’. Well done to all of the classes who took part in the competition, you should all feel proud of your efforts. Let’s get to the top 3 in module 5’s competition!

Computing update

This module each year has been using different devices to aid and support their learning. Grasshoppers have been using the interactive whiteboard and devices to write short labels for pictures! They also used the ipads to record and take photos of their recent dragon quest which took place around the school. They used the ipads to photograph the evidence they found of a baby dragon visiting our school!

This half term each year has been using different devices to aid and support their learning. Grasshoppers have been using the interactive whiteboard and devices to write short labels for pictures! They also used the ipads to record and take photos of their recent dragon quest which took place around the school. They used the ipads to photograph the evidence they found of a baby dragon visiting our school!

Year 1 were taught how to use the to create digital images using the range of tools that the website has available. Some children chose to use what they had learnt in the February half term to create their own digital images at home!

Year 2 have really enjoyed using the ipads to create their own digital programmes that linked with our maths learning on statistics as well as our enquiries about habitats. We explored a range of habitats and recorded the minibeasts that we found living there. We have also used the ipads to undertake research about the continents and oceans as well as refining our number skills using numbots.

Year 3 have been using their chrome books daily to access Timetable Rockstars each morning! They have been completing independent research and creating their very own google slides, which can be seen through scanning the attached QR code on a device! In addition to this they have access to a wide variety of materials posted on their online classroom to support their learning in class and encourage their independent thinking.

Year 4 have been using their chromebooks regularly throughout this module in lessons linked to their inquiry. For example, they surveyed the different modes of transport used in class and created a spreadsheet to show their data. They then turned this into a bar graph on Google Sheets. They have also been loving using their chromebooks to access Languagenut to practice their Spanish.

Year 5 have been using theirs to complete research on their topic and really attuning their skills to find relevant information using their chrome books. They have been busy creating their own presentations as well as filming each other doing their speeches.

Year 6 have thoroughly enjoyed using their chromebooks to publish their Floodland narratives. These will be coming home at the start of Module 5 for you to enjoy.

Grasshopper Class

We have had a very busy term in Grasshopper Class! Firstly, we came across a nest in our classroom, then suddenly some eggs appeared! We have no idea who or where the eggs have come from. Our investigations led us to believe they could have been dinosaur eggs, but since one disappeared, and some clues were left behind, we think they could belong to a dragon! During our inquiries, we have learnt about and spent time describing dinosaurs, and have been making posters and maps to find a dragon!

Grasshoppers have also had a great time during book week, linking our dragon learning to the story of ‘Zog’ and creating some outside reading dens to share some stories.

In maths, we have had a strong focus on simple addition and subtraction. We also have been busy learning about Science and investigating ‘Growth’ as part of British Science week.

We hope you all have a lovely long rest at Easter with lots of yummy treats!

Dragonfly Class

What another super busy but great module! It really has been packed with a variety of things including workshops, Book Day, NumBots launch, Science week (looking at the theme of growth), happiness day and our timetables classroom work!

In our Inquiry learning, our central idea has been ‘Cycles and patterns occur in the natural world’. Throughout this, we have; read Lila and the Secret of Rain. We considered how Lila’s life might be different from our own as she lives in a Kenyan village and how because she lives near the Equator, she lives in a much hotter country. We learnt about how some cultures participate in rain dances to make it rain so we then made rain dances and music to try and encourage the rain. This lead us onto thinking about different types of weather, including some extreme weather, and then become forecasters. We looked at extreme weather events which have happened in living memory, learnt about the seasons, how the sun and the Earth’s orbit of it makes them happen before eventually looking at different climate zones around the world. We discussed how our climate zones are being impacted by global warming and what we can do to help stop it.

The children have engaged in some excellent discussions and have reflected well on the learning of this module. We need the two weeks break now!

Ladybird Class

Ladybird class had a rather busy and exciting module. Our central idea ‘The Earth’s climate can change the way animals live their lives’ has most certainly further developed both our inquiry skills and knowledge. We began our module examining maps in an atlas, learning more about the seven continents and the oceans but Ladybirds did not want to stop there! Our inquiries took us deeper and challenged us to consider locations around the world and why their climates and weather differ. We have looked into a range of habitats around the world and why they are suitable for the animals that live there. This line of inquiry seamlessly linked with our science week theme of ‘growing’ as we were able to undertake a habitat study to consider what life forms are growing there and why. We have also enjoyed looking at the artist Andy Goldsworthy and created some of our very own nature inspired artwork linked to our class text Leaf by Sandra Dieckmann.

One of the many highlights for this module has got to be when our classroom was magically transformed into a chocolate factory and we could only enter if we had a golden ticket! We are not sure where Mrs Wilson was that day but the children didn’t seem to mind being taught by Mrs Wonka. The Oompa Loompas were given a day off so that Ladybirds could be the new taste testers in town. We carefully examined and tested a wide range of confectionery before using our results to create our very own sweet to be produced in Mrs Wonka’s factory. There seemed to be a general consensus amongst the children that the sweet to ‘stop all grown ups in the world from moaning’ should be the winner closely followed by a sweet to bring kindness to all.

Spider Class

This term Spider Class have been very busy and have worked very hard. They have really enjoyed our central idea this term which is linked to volcanoes and Earthquakes. On Tuesday 8th March we had a workshop all day which included drama and learning all about why earthquakes happen. We used drama to imagine that we were in Pompeii when Mount Vesuvius erupted and used freeze framing to demonstrate what happened to the people of Pompeii. We have also had parents join our learning this term in our open mornings. It was lovely to welcome parents back into the Academy and they joined in our learning enthusiastically. We had a competition to see who could build the most stable structure that would withstand an earthquake using marshmallows and spaghetti. I was very impressed with the structures and how well the pupils thought carefully about what would make them stable. We put the structures through a series of tests and then Mrs Stangroom choose the winner!

Cricket Class

Cricket class have had another fantastic module, working very hard to explore our central idea ‘Humans may have altered the local and global environment’. We started off the module by looking into our local environment and how this has changed over time. We were able to walk around the village and use our map skills to locate the main features to create our own map of our local area. We also predicted what our local area will look like in the future using all of our geographical knowledge. Many of Cricket class are hoping for a football stadium to appear at some point!

Our second line of inquiry has led us to explore the natural and human factors that cause change. During Science Week we took part in an investigation to represent the Greenhouse Effect and how this is contributing to climate change. We have also looked at the global carbon footprint as well as our own and how we can make decisions about the food we eat and how we travel to help our environment.

Using our class text, A Boy and a Bear in a Boat, we wrote our own version of Michael Rosen’s poem, rhythm of life, about the rhythm of the sea and had lots of fun performing these.

We have also had many other exciting learning opportunities this module, including World Book Day. Year 4 were able to read the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe as the theme was ‘magic’ from which they were able to create their own magical land. We then used these magical lands to write our own narratives as if they had stepped through the wardrobe themselves which I have very much enjoyed reading.

In Maths this term we have been learning about fractions. One of our lessons involved making a fraction museum to showcase our use of manipulatives to create fractions. We even got to create a mystery exhibition which other members of the class had to answer.

Well done Crickets for all your amazing work this module, have a lovely Easter holiday!

Ant Class

This term has been a really busy and enjoyable term in Year 5. We kicked off our inquiries by crashing our plane on top of a mountain and having to survive! The class worked exceptionally well as a team and everyone was rescued thankfully! The pupils have learnt a lot about different mountain ranges and rivers in the world, and really improved their map skills!

Our second inquiry began by looking at Earth’s natural cycles. We really enjoyed making mini water cycles for a Science investigation! We’ve also done some brilliant art work which shows the link between our class novel, Clockwork, and our inquiries.

We’re now moving onto why water is such a valuable resource, where we’ll be creating videos to encourage others to save water and participate in World Water Day on March 22nd. We hope you can join us!

In between all this hard work, we’ve had a few exciting days in school! The children looked fantastic on World Book Day and had a lot of fun! They have produced some fantastic diaries as an outcome. They also really enjoyed sharing books with Year 2.

Ant Class also took part in a STEM workshop, all based around Lego! It was a great experience for them all.

Well done once again for all your hard work Year 5, have a great Easter holiday!

Butterfly Class

Year 6 have enjoyed spending Module 4 exploring How The World Works. In our first line of inquiry, we explored classification and how all living things can be organised into groups based on their qualities. Using our knowledge of this, we had great fun with our World Book Day writing outcome, where we created our own creature based on J.K Rowling’s ‘Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them’. Next, we explored different places where creatures may live, and looked at the impact of rivers as a habitat and on the local area. We enjoyed singing along to the River’s Rap to recall all the key features of a river and their functions. Finally, we pulled all this learning together to explore our key text, Floodland by Marcus Sedgwick. The children have been incredible authors and have written their own narratives based on this text. We spent the last week of term working to publish our writing into a book, complete with a front cover and blurb. Have you read any of their stories?

Dates for your Diary!

Open Morning Sessions - Module 5

Year 1 - 28th and 29th April

Year 4 - 18th and 19th May

Year 5 - 24th and 25th May

Module 5 - Key Dates

Tuesday, 19th April 2022 - Start of Module 5

Monday, 25th April @ 3:30pm - PTA Meeting

Thursday, 28th April - Year 4 Class Assembly : 2:50pm

Monday, 16th May - RSPCA (bring a soft toy pet) Charity Day - details to follow

Thursday, 19th May - Year 1 Class Assembly @ 2:50pm

Friday, 20th May - Year 3 Class Assembly @ 2:50pm

Wednesday, 25th May - Year R Class Assembly @ 2:50pm

Friday 27th May - End of Module 5

Term Dates 2021-2022

Term 1

  • Start: Tuesday 31st August 2021 (Professional Development Days) – PUPILS DO NOT ATTEND

  • Pupils return: Wednesday 1st September 2021

  • Finish: Friday 22nd October 2021

  • Autumn Break: Monday 25 October 2021 to Friday 5th November 2021

Term 2

  • Pupils start: Monday 8th November 2021

  • Finish: Friday 17th December 2021

  • Christmas Break: Monday 20th December 2021 to Monday 3rd January 2022

Term 3

  • Start: Tuesday 04 January 2022

  • Pupils Finish: Thursday 10th February 2022

  • Friday 11th February 2022 (Professional Development Day) – PUPILS DO NOT ATTEND

  • February Break: Monday 14th February 2022 to Friday 18th February 2022

Term 4

  • Start: Monday 21st February 2022

  • Finish: Friday 1st April 2022

  • Monday 4th April 2022 (Professional Development Day) – PUPILS DO NOT ATTEND

  • Spring Break: Tuesday 5th April 2022 to Monday 18th April 2021 (including Good Friday 15th April and Bank Holiday Monday 18th April 2022)

Term 5

  • Start: Tuesday 19th April 2022

  • Finish: Friday 27th May 2022

  • Early May Day Bank Holiday: Monday 2nd May 2022

  • May Break: Monday 30th May 2022 to Friday 3rd June 2022

Term 6

  • Start: Monday 6th June 2022

  • Finish: Friday 22nd July 2022