Recognizing Individual Student Excellence

Goals of RISE Program:

To help students develop a deeper understanding of the content that makes up the grade level curriculum.

To engage students in discussions of complex ideas and experiences and to increase knowledge through investigation, research, and reflective inquiry.

To encourage higher order thinking and offer opportunities for students to be challenged academically.

To provide students with authentic opportunities to explain, interpret, apply, shift perspective, empathize and self-assess.

To ensure that high achieving students can develop the skills and knowledge which are necessary to be successful.

To offer a variety of opportunities for expression within an environment that is flexible and encourages risk-taking and divergent thinking.


RISE meets 3 times per week for 40 minute periods.

RISE 3 - 9:45am - 10:25am

RISE 4 - 9:05am - 9:45am

RISE 5 - 10:25am - 11:05am


RISE curriculum is aligned to Common Core standards and coincide with and expand upon classroom curriculum.  


Students will complete a project and participate in EXPO night.  Parents will have an opportunity to interact with students and view projects.


Students will be introduced to the Latin language through the Minimus Program.


Students will receive a RISE report card.

Please sign up for a Parent Teacher Conference

Feel free to contact me anytime at cpietras@hicksvillepublicschools.org