Classroom Information

We have 23 students.

Please charge your Chromebook so you are ready each morning.

Please write down all usernames and passwords and keep them in safe place. Each child was given a notebook and a yellow folder. You can write the usernames and passwords on the inside cover of the notebook or keep them in the yellow folder.

Please keep in contact with me through email or Talking Points.(See below for instructions.)

Math fluency is extremely important. Please practice adding to 18 and multiplication facts to 12.

Please encourage your child to read daily.

Your child has received a Google username and password. Please remember to unplug every now and then and read a regular book as opposed to an online one. Picture books are awesome. Your child should take out one chapter book and one picture book when they go to Library.

Read to your child. They love that.

Try audio books. I am really into that. Your library should have free downloads. Inquire at your public library.

Bake with your child. This will help with measurement skills.

Keep a ruler handy and let your child explore.

Play a board game or a game of cards with your child. Don't always let them win.

Do arts and crafts when you have time.

Please sign up to be a PTA member. I would like to have 100% participation. PTA Membership Form


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