English, Reading & Library

Jack Lenson, Interim Supervisor
Brendan McGowan
, Supervisor

With all the challenges the pandemic has caused this year, name some positive changes or creative solutions your department has implemented.

  1. Our elementary school libraries were unable to circulate books to students. To address this need, all District elementary school libraries partnered with the Hicksville Public Library to facilitate providing all elementary school students with an electronic library card, an E-Card, that enabled students to access not only e-books in the Hicksville School District, but also in the Hicksville Public Library and, by extension, in all of the Nassau County Public Libraries. As a result, since the inception of this collaboration, students were able to borrow thousands of books across all elementary school grade levels.

  2. The expansion of the secondary school collections of e-books from Overdrive to enable secondary school students to access books for leisure reading as well as obtain resources to utilize for school assignments and projects.

  3. Due to the challenge of overcoming pandemic related distribution of assigned curriculum related novels across grades 6-12 for instructional purposes, there has been an expanded use of e-books in secondary school class rooms for curriculum based in class instruction.

  4. Integration of technology like never before, Google Platforms, apps, and e-books used to engage and instruct.

Name some unrecognized staff achievements within your department this school year.

Teachers have become skilled in all areas of remote instruction using a variety of technological resources to compensate for the lack of in person learning. These technological resources include creative use of the Google platform such as utilizing Google break out rooms to overcome the limitations of not having the ability to create in class groups that were typical during in school instruction. Teachers have developed expertise in using Kami, Prezzi and Jam Boards to name a few. Their new found ability to creatively harness technology that furthers student learning will be an enhanced skill set when in school learning returns.

Continued success of the AP programs, integrated literacy skills at all levels, and the willingness to go above and beyond for students.

Any new initiatives your department has planned for the future?

  1. Expand the collection of e-books and electronic data bases for all of the District's schools.

  2. Specific to the elementary schools, instead of each elementary school having its own e-book collection, all elementary schools will explore pooling their resources to create a common collection of e-books that will enable students from all elementary schools to have access to desired books. It will be a District collection of e-books, permitting greater access for students than merely seeking a book in their own school collection of e-books.

  3. A close partnership with Hicksville Public Library has been strengthened and will continue to grow.