Program Information

Hello everyone! My name is Mr. Enderle. I teach orchestra at Lee Avenue and Fork Lane. I am a graduate of Lee Avenue and very excited to be back in Hicksville where it all started for me! The orchestra instruments offered at Lee Avenue and Fork Lane include violin, viola, cello, and bass. Orchestra is offered starting in 3rd grade and will continue to be available through 12th grade. Group lessons meet once a week for thirty minutes during the school day. These weekly lessons rotate so the students do not miss the same time in class every week. In addition to individual lessons, 4th and 5th graders attend orchestra rehearsals during recess two times a week to help prepare for our Winter and Spring Concerts. 3rd grade recess rehearsals will occur towards the end of the year to help prepare for our 3rd Grade Spring Concert.

Being a part of the orchestra and learning an instrument is an incredible opportunity. Not only do students learn the unique talent of performing on an instrument, but they are given the opportunity to perform in various music ensembles outside of the school such as the All-County Orchestra, the Long Island String Festival Orchestra, and the NYSSMA Solo and Ensemble Festival.

The opportunities for playing a string instrument after high school are abundant. Many universities offer scholarships for participation in their orchestra. Orchestra also provides a great foundation for your child in all aspects of life. Students learn responsibility, problem-solving, goal-setting, concentration, enhanced physical coordination, memory skills, and an outlet for self-expression. These skills are not only important in the music classroom, but in almost every aspect of life.