About the Library Media Center

What time is the library open?

The library is open from 9am – 3:20pm

What kind of materials are available in the library?

We have many different resources for the students to use. These include: fiction and nonfiction books, magazines, reference materials, and various computer materials.

How often does a student go to the library?

Students come to the library once a week. All classes are forty minutes long.

What do students do in the library?

During library classes we pick out books, read wonderful stories and have lessons involving literature, library skills and research skills.

What are Student Borrowing Privileges?

Students can take out one book each week. Students can renew books as often as they need them.

What is your Overdue Policy?

A student can not take out anything from the library if they have an overdue item

What happens if an item is lost or damaged?

If this happens then there are two things that you can do. The first option is to pay for the item. We will send home a notice with the price of the item. We can only accept checks made out to Hicksville Public Schools. The other alternative is to replace the item.

What happens if I find the book after it’s paid for?

We will refund your money.

How do you go about ordering books, etc. for the library?

We are very choosy about the materials we order. All items have either been reviewed in a professional library journal, examined in person or suggested by teachers. All items are purchased to enhance the student’s love of reading, support the school curriculum and the library environment.