Career Exploration

It's okay if you don't know what you want to do when you grow up. You're still in middle school! Take some time to give it some thought, though! Check out these tools that help you explore your options!

To High School... And Beyond!

To High School... And Beyond! is a collection of YouTube videos created by Hickory Schools CTE staff. They can be found on YouTube, and can be accessed by students on campus here.

MajorClarity is a tool used by Hickory Public Schools to help you explore your career options. It includes a personality assessment, learning styles assessment, and over 65 career paths for you to discover.

Parents! Get a preview of what your child is doing with MajorClarity by clicking here.

Students! Check out my tutorial videos by clicking here.

Star Jobs is a huge database of occupations in North Carolina. Unlike other similar sites, Star Jobs provides data specific to our region.

Career One Stop is a database of careers that includes videos with many of the occupations on their site. If you were looking for a video on one of our other sites (like MajorClarity) and couldn't find one to match the job you're interested in, try Career One Stop.

Ever wonder how the job you want lines up with the lifestyle you want? In this activity, students use the prompts to describe the lifestyle they want to lead, find out how much money they'll need to make each year to maintain that lifestyle, and then see careers with salaries that match.