Welcome to our Spring 2021 Virtual Open Evening


Thank you for joining us today for our Spring Virtual Open Evening. I hope that this will give you an insight into what a fantastic all round education we can offer your child at Hipperholme.

The school has sprung back into full operation this week; it didn't feel quite the same without the children in the building! I'm really proud of how our staff and students rose to the challenge of lockdown, through our remote learning provision where variety and constant interaction via Google Meet were key.

We've had lots of really positive feedback from appreciative parents. In the compilation to your right you can see for yourself a flavour of what we've offered in the last two months.

I look forward to seeing you in one of my live talks and panel Q&A sessions this evening. You can also peruse our full selection of recorded clips about each subject and parts of the school at your leisure as you take your own virtual tour of our School.

I hope this will give you and your child an opportunity to see what Hipperholme Grammar School has to offer.

Nicholas James
Head of Foundation

voe lockdown video complete2.mp4

Lockdown update video
(with an introduction from Nicholas James)

Take a look to see how our staff and students have risen to the challenge of lockdown!

Schedule for the Evening

Thank you for joining us today for our Spring 2021 Virtual Open Evening.

We hope you'll be able to join us at one of the following 'live' sessions hosted by our Head of Foundation Mr Nicholas James:

  • Head of Foundation talk followed by panel Q&A:
    for Nursery & Junior families (ages 3-11)
    from 5.00 pm until 5.45 pm

Join here

  • Head of Foundation talk followed by panel Q&A:
    for Senior families (ages 11-16)
    from 7.00 pm until 7.45 pm

Join here

Take one of our Virtual Tours below to find out more about us, and take yourself on a self-paced journey with us.

When you have finished, please complete our Feedback Form to let us know what you thought of the overall event and which topics you would like to discuss and follow-up with us at a later time.

We are more than happy to arrange either 1:1 Google Meets to facilitate this and can also arrange a school tour after 4 pm most evenings by appointment.

Enjoy your evening!

Jane Hall (Nursery & Junior Admissions ages 3-11)
contact me

Andy Eastcrabbe (Senior Admissions ages 11-16)
contact me

Nursery & Junior Virtual Tour

Take a tour of our Nursery & Junior provision

Senior Virtual Tour

Take a tour of our Senior School and meet the staff & students

School Facilities & Services Tour

School Buses | School Meals | Fees, Scholarships and Fee Assistance | Payment Methods

HGSF Website

Why not have a look around our website in your own time?

Next Steps

I hope you enjoyed your evening with us, and that you and your child have had an opportunity to see what Hipperholme Grammar School has to offer. I hope you sampled our virtual visits to different parts of the school, subject areas and activities and managed to join my live talk and Q&A session.

Our aim at Hipperholme is to offer a first-class, rounded grammar school education through a broad academic curriculum and wide variety of exciting activities beyond the classroom. Class sizes are small so teachers are able to attend to individual needs. We are a nurturing and cohesive community, where promoting well-being and building self-esteem are paramount. Please see here for more about our aims and ethos.

If you would like to visit Hipperholme Grammar School, ask any questions, or have a conversation about what we can offer you and your child, please contact either me or our Admissions Team here

Nicholas James
Head of Foundation

Feedback Form

Please let us know what you thought of the evening and anything else you'd like to discuss further. You can also request further information, a 1:1 Google Meet or a tour of the school.