Welcome to 3rd Grade 

Welcome to 3rd Grade       

I'm Mrs. Davis. I have been as Holy Family Regional Catholic for the past 5 years.  The last year I taught 4th grade and the years prior to that I taught all the PE classes here at Holy Family as well as the Prek3-1st Art classes.  This year I'm so excited to be teaching 3rd grade I have many new and different things in store for you all this year and can't wait to get started. I look forward to this new challenge and spending more time here at Holy Family in a Christ centered environment where I can share my Catholic values with the students in my classes.  Lastly, I feel blessed by this opportunity to truly be a part of the school community that exists here at Holy Family.

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please call me at 215-269-9600,  or email me at: theresa.davis@hfrcs.org. I will get back to you as soon as I am able.