Collective Bargaining Agreements

A library of current contracts between HFM BOCES and Employee Associations.  

NOTA BENE:  Some agreements may have memorandums of agreement that change contract terms and conditions.   MOAs have been included, if they exist, at the end of each agreement.

BOCES Administrators Association Agreement 2019-2023.pdf

BOCES Administrators' Association

BOCES Teachers' Association Agreement 2021-2026.pdf

BOCES Teachers' Association

CSEA Agreement 2018-2023 (with MOAs).pdf

Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA)

CSEA Transportation 2021-2025.pdf

Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA) - Transportation

Non-Represented Employees BOE Policy 6301.pdf

Non-Represented and Management Confidential Employees

OT-PT Agreement 2021-2025.pdf

Occupational Therapists/
Physical Therapists
Bargaining Unit

SRPU Contract 2021-2024.pdf

School Related Professionals Unit