Parent Surveys

Parent Surveys

Click on the downloads at the bottom of this page to see the views of our parents. We appreciate the time taken to complete the most recent questionnaire. We will have a new survey for parents later in the year...

Parent View

If you could spare a moment then please log in to PARENT VIEW on the Ofsted website and let them know how we are doing! The address is You will be prompted to register and will then be given your unique login details. This would be a wonderful way for you to show your support for our school.

November 2019

Dear Parents / Carers,

Thank you very much for completing the recent parent feedback questionnaire. We appreciate your views on how our school can improve even further as well as celebrating what we are doing well. We are overwhelmed by the recent responses.

Parent Questionnaire October 2018

Whole School Analysis

(234 questionnaires completed: 77%)

Areas of success:

My child likes school 95%

I would feel comfortable about approaching the school with questions or a problem or complain 99%

My child is making good progress 97%

Teachers expect my child to work hard and achieve their best 99%

Children behave well 99%

The school is well led and managed 98%

My child is not bullied or harassed at school 90%

Staff treat my child fairly 93%

The teaching is good 98%

There is a good range of activities that my child finds interesting and enjoyabl 97%

I am kept well informed about how my child is getting on 95%

The arrangements for my child to settle in when they started school was good 97%

Area to consider:

The school provides appropriate homework (82% agree/strongly agree)

Opinions about homework is often a contentious issue within school as some parents state that they would like more work to be set whilst others require less or even no homework to be set at all.

What we are doing?

At the beginning of last term, the subject of homework, and our school’s expectations for this, were discussed during Parent Council Meetings. This resulted in the school’s homework policy being evaluated and updated to reflect our current practice. You will notice that weekly homework expectations are consistent across the school with reading/Bug Club, spelling and times tables/My Maths being compulsory. Alongside these tasks additional challenges, which relate to topic work or creativity, are set as optional homework tasks too.

We continue to review homework to ensure that the work set is age appropriate and reinforces areas that they are being tackled within the classroom. Homework is celebrated in class through sharing, display and by awarding a weekly certificate. Reading is also celebrated through reading races and display to highlight those children who record their reading at home. Certificates are also awarded when children successfully achieve a spelling or maths tables trial.

There is a Homework Club after school where support is provided so that children know how to complete their work. There is also opportunity to complete homework during the school day as children can access the computer suite at lunchtime.

We appreciate your views on how our school can improve even further as well as celebrating what we are doing well. We are overwhelmed by the recent responses.

Mrs Wass

Parent Questionairre Oct 2019.

Parent Questionnaire Key areas of success 2018.

Parent Questionnaire 2017