
‘To foster a love of learning a foreign language’


At Holt Farm Junior School, we believe that we are part of a much wider world and its global community. As such, it is important that we are able to communicate with each other and appreciate the different cultures around the world. If we want children to become passionate about learning another language, it is really important to engage children at an early age. Becoming fluent in another language is also a skill which can bring a real sense of achievement.

Our intent is to inspire children and show them that learning French can be a fun experience. We want to equip children with a foundation on which they can build to become fluent speakers. Our goal is to enable children to develop the ability to listen to, speak and read this language confidently at Key Stage 2 level. Long term, we would like children to go onto secondary school with the desire to take what they have learnt further and then beyond into their future careers.


Children are taught French in half hour sessions as part of a rotational afternoon.

The main scheme we use is Rigolo. It is an interactive resource which has many benefits. Each unit is split into manageable lessons. The lesson might start with a video which features the same characters each time. There are short speaking and listening activities which promote correct pronunciation and familiarise children with the vocabulary even further. Finally, there are two differentiated sheets which give children an opportunity to write.

Alongside this, teachers are encouraged to include games and songs within their lessons. Games such as bingo, dominoes and ‘Simon says’ encourage children through speaking, reading and listening to French without fear of getting it wrong. We also make cross-curricular links with music as songs are a brilliant way for children to express themselves. These strategies are also in order for all learners of all abilities to be able to access this subject. In addition, word banks are provided where necessary. For those children more able, teachers will extend using challenges where they can apply their learning.

Teachers are expected to provide as much on the spot marking as possible during lessons so that children know exactly how far they have come in meeting learning objectives. Other work is then marked in accordance with the marking policy; pink and green comments, self-assessment or peer-assessment. We track the progress of children termly using Target Tracker. Throughout the year, teachers record when children show evidence of working at age-related in order to ensure their assessments are accurate.

Intended Impact:

· Pupils will have a positive attitude to learning French

· Pupils will have a sense of achievement from learning a new skill

· Pupils will confidently be able to understand words and phrases. Pupils will confidently be able to build simple sentences

· Pupils will have an awareness of another culture

· The % of pupils working at ARE within each year group will be at least in line with national averages.

· The % of pupils working at Greater Depth within each year group will be at least in line with national averages

· There will be no significant gaps in the progress of different groups of pupils (e.g. disadvantaged vs non-disadvantaged).

French Day.docx