Anti Bullying

‘Bullying is deliberately hurtful, repeated often over a period of time and difficult for victims to defend themselves against.’ DfE July 2017

We have a zero-tolerance policy with regard to bullying and are very proud of how well our ‘Good to be Green’ behaviour system works. Any issues of potential bullying are dealt with swiftly and, where appropriate, families of all children involved are encouraged to take part in resolving the issue to ensure we have a long-term solution rather than a ‘quick fix’. Our Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy are available to download on our website.

We embrace ‘Anti-Bullying Weeks’ and the slogan- ‘All Different, All Equal’. Opportunity was given for children to consider the importance of embracing difference within dedicated whole school assemblies and during PSHE lessons. Our School Council have also shared ideas about how we can support children who are feeling vulnerable. As a result, each class will have a ‘Worry Box’ where children can place messages for their teacher if they are reluctant to speak to them. They have also designed a ‘Hot Tips’ poster to display in every classroom reinforcing the key messages that were shared during our dedicated week. The School Council will continue to focus on this area during class assemblies and report their findings and ideas to the leadership team.

We continue to work closely with our families and encourage them to inform us if they have any concerns about their child. All concerns are passed by the class teachers to the leadership team so that support can be put into place and the situation monitored.

This issue remains high on our agenda. We continue to improve provision at lunchtimes through clubs, resources, PALS (young play leaders) and visible, adult support. A named adult will regularly support and monitor children who are vulnerable and feedback successes and actions with parents/carers.

Holt Farm Junior School has committed to the following principles to prevent and respond to bullying. Our School:

1. Listens – all pupils and parents and carers are listened to and influence strategies and approaches to prevent, report and respond to incidents of bullying.

2. Includes us all – all pupils, including those with SEND, are included, valued and participate fully in all aspects of school life

3. Respects – all school staff are role models to others within the school in how they treat others

4. Challenges – all forms of discriminatory language – including disablist language – is challenged taken seriously

5. Celebrates difference – difference is actively and visibly celebrated and welcome across the whole school

6. Understands- all school staff, pupils and parents and carers understand what bullying is and what it isn’t

7. Believes – all pupils, including disabled children and those with SEN, and their parents and carers are acknowledged, believed and taken seriously when reporting incidents of bullying

8. Reports bullying – all pupils within the school and their parents and carers understand how to report incidents of bullying

9. Takes action – we respond quickly to all incidents of bullying. Pupils, including disabled pupils and those with SEN, participate fully in decisions made about them and help to formulate appropriate action to respond to incidents of bullying

10. Has clear policies – Our school’s anti-bullying policy reflects these principles and is embedded within other policies. They are widely and actively promoted to school staff, pupils and their parents and carers.

Anti Bullying Tips For Parents And Carers

Anti Bullying Tips For Children And Young People

Anti Bullying & Harassment policy

Odd Socks Day At HFJS 'All Equal, All Different!

This is an opportunity for children and adults to express themselves and appreciate individuality and uniqueness! Throughout the week the children are taking part in various activities to support Anti–Bullying.