A unique MBA in Israel

Technology innovation can drive business value, but it also poses many management challenges. 

Our MBA in Technology Management is specifically designed to train students to lead technology-focused companies.

In addition to MBA and technology-focused courses, our program includes repeated meetings with Israeli startups, with whom we discuss industry practice. Our students come from various countries and industries, which enriches our class conversations. Our faculty are highly regarded, and apply their professional focus to technology. And our business school has a reputation for taking care of students’ practical and personal needs. We expect that our students will have an excellent learning experience and will graduate with the skills they need for successful leadership of technology companies. 

Program Structure and Administration (*)

Duration of program: 12 months (Starting in October 2024) in 5 consecutive periods of 9 weeks.

Schedule: Classes are held on Thursdays 14:00-21:00 and Fridays 8:00-14:00. Very occasionally, a make-up class, exam, or other academic activity may take place on another weekday; students will be notified in advance. The schedule allows students to successfully balance the program requirements with their other work and family obligations.

Students: Our students come from a variety of countries and professional backgrounds. This diversity enriches the learning experience. 

Degree: Students who complete the program will be granted a Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a specialization in Technology Management. 

Learning Methods: Courses are supplemented by simulations, visits to startup companies, and a hands-on feature launch project. 

Administration: The program is run by the dedicated administrative staff, especially Ms. Orly Danenberg. 

Oversight: An advisory board oversees our program to ensure that our students receive the most relevant and timely skills.

Based on our decades of experience with MBA programs, the faculty’s expertise in technology management, our good connections with startup companies, and the dedication of our administrators, we are confident that students will enjoy a rewarding learning experience and will obtain the skills they need to lead technology-oriented companies.

*subject to change

Admission Requirements

Women and men who possess the following qualifications are welcome to apply for admission to the program:

* For applicants who hold a foreign bachelor’s degree, completion of the GRE exam is required.

** Applicants who hold advanced degrees from accredited universities, as well as applicants who hold senior managerial positions, may apply to the School’s MA Committee for exemption from the GMAT/Internal Exam.


The following documents should be submitted to the Registration Department:

Tuition Fee

For Israeli students:

The tuition fee for Israeli students is the regular tuition fee as determined by the Israeli Council of Higher Education (200%).

For International students:

The tuition fee for foreign students for 2022/23 is $10,600 for the entire program, plus an additional $283 for Service Fees (Security, Library, Health Insurance, etc.)

* Final tuition for the next academic year is updated annually. For more information on the cost of our programs, dormitories, etc. and payment instructions please click here