Shlomit Paz

Full Professor (PhD)

School of Environmental Sciences

Head, Climate and Environmental Sustainability Center 

University of Haifa, Israel


Articles in Refereed Journals  

Kutiel, H. and Paz, S., 1998. Sea level Pressure Departures in the Mediterranean and their Relationship with Monthly Rainfall Conditions in Israel. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 60: 93-109. 

Paz, S., Steinberger, E.H., Kutiel, H., 2000. Regional Correlations, Tendencies and Oscillations in the Eastern Mediterranean’s Rainfall in the Years 1951-1990. Horizons in Geography, 52: 37-53 (Hebrew). 

 Kutiel, H., Maheras, P., Turkes, M., and Paz, S., 2002. North Sea – Caspian Patterns (NCP) – an Upper Level Atmospheric Teleconnection affecting the Eastern Mediterranean - Implications on the Regional Climate. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 72(3-4): 173-192. 

Paz, S., Kutiel, H., 2003. Rainfall Regime Uncertainty (RRU) in an Eastern Mediterranean Region – A Methodological Approach. The Israel Journal of Earth Sciences, 52(2): 47-63. 

Paz, S., Tourre, Y., Planton, S., 2003. North Africa-West Asia (NAWA) Sea-Level Pressure Patterns and its Linkages with the Eastern Mediterranean (EM) Climate. Geophysical Research Letters, 30(19): 1999-2002, doi:10.1029/2003GL01786. 

Tourre, Y., Paz, S., 2004. The North-Africa/Western Asia (NAWA) Sea Level Pressure Index: A Mediterranean Signature of the Northern Annular Mode (NAM). Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L17209, doi: 10.1029/2004GL020414. 

Paz, S., 2006. The West Nile Virus outbreak in Israel (2000) from a New Perspective: the Regional Impact of Climate Change. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 16(1):1-13. 

Tourre, Y., Paz, S., Cassou, C., Kutiel, H., 2006. Atmospheric Dynamics over Northwest Africa and Linkages with Sahelian Rainfall. Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L14808, doi:10.1029/2006GL026695. 

Paz, S., Bisharat, N., Paz, E., Kidar, O., Cohen, D. 2007. Climate Change and the Emergence of Vibrio Vulnificus Disease in Israel. Environmental Research, 103: 390-396. 

Paz, S., and Broza, M., 2007. Wind Direction and its Linkage with Vibrio cholerae Dissemination. Environmental Health Perspectives, 115(2): 195-200.  

Paz, S., and Albersheim, I., 2008. Influence of Warming Tendency on Culex pipiens Population Abundance and on the Probability of West Nile Fever Outbreaks (Israeli Case: 2001-2005), EcoHealth, 5(1): 40-48. 

Paz, S., Tourre, Y.M., Brolley, J., 2008. Multi-temporal Climate Variability over the Atlantic Ocean and Eurasia: Linkages with Mediterranean and West African Climate. Atmospheric Science Letters, 9: 196-201, DOI: 10.1002/asl.181.

Portnov, B.A., Paz, S., 2008. Climate Change and Urbanization in Arid Regions.  Annals of Arid Zone, 47(3-4): 1-15 (Invited paper; Citations: GS = 2; Sc = 2).

Carmel, Y., Paz, S., Jahashan, F., Shoshany, M. 2009. Assessing Fire Risk using Monte Carlo Simulations of Fire Spread.  Forest Ecology and Management, 257: 370-377. 

Paz, S., Linn, S., Portnov, B.A., Lazimi, A., Futerman, B., Barchana, M., 2009. Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) Linkage with Residence Near Heavy Roads - a Case Study from Haifa Bay, Israel. Health & Place, 15(2): 636-641. 

Paz, S., 2009. Impact of Temperature Variability on Cholera Incidence in Southeastern Africa, 1971-2006. EcoHealth, 6: 340-345. 

Kidar, O., Kliot, N., and Paz, S. 2010. Preparedness for Climatic Changes in Israel: The Frames and Framing of Water Experts. Horizons in Geography, 72: 70-95 (Hebrew, English abstract).

Kidar, O., Kliot, N., and Paz, S. 2010. Climate Change and the Israeli Water Sector - the Outlook of Expert Stakeholders. Ecology and Environment, 1: 23-29 (Hebrew).

Jonas, A., Mansfeld, Y., Paz, S., Potesman, I., 2010. Determinants of Health Risk Perception and How they Shape Tourists’ Risk-taking Behavior.  Journal of Travel Research, 50 (1): 870-99. 

Tourre, Y.M., Paz, S., Kushnir, Y., White, W.B. 2010. Low-frequency Climate Variability in the Atlantic Basin during the 20th Century.  Atmospheric Science Letters, 11: 180-185. 

Paz, S., Carmel, Y., Jahshan, F., Shoshany, M. 2011. Post-fire Analysis of Pre-Fire Mapping of Fire-Risk: A Recent Case Study from Mt. Carmel (Israel), Forest Ecology and Management, 262: 1184-1188. 

Portnov, B., Paz, S., Linn, S., 2011. What does the Inflow of Patients into the “Rambam” Medical Center in Haifa Tells Us about Outdoor Temperatures and Air Pollution?, Geography Research Forum, 31: 39-52.

Haj, A., Paz, S., Ayalon, O., 2012. The Impact of Traditional Perceptions on Environmental Behavior - The Willingness to Use Compost among Muslim Farmers. Ecology and Environment, 3(2): 154-160 (Hebrew).

Paz, S., Malkinson, D., Green, M.S., Tsioni, G., Papa, A., Danis, K., Sirbu, A., Ceianu, C., Katalin, K., Ferenczi, E., Zeller, H., Semenza, J.C., 2013. Permissive Summer Temperatures of the 2010 European West Nile Fever Upsurge. PLOS ONE, 8(2): e56398. 

Green, M.S., Groag Pri-or, N., Capeluto, G., Epstein, Y., Paz, S., 2013. Climate Change and Health in Israel: Adaptation Policies for Extreme Weather Events. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research, 2: 23. 

Paz, S., Ayalon, O., Haj, A., 2013. The Potential Conflict between Traditional Perceptions and Environmental Behavior: Compost Use by Muslim Farmers. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 15: 967-978 .

Paz, S., Semenza, J.C., 2013. Environmental Drivers of West Nile Fever Epidemiology in Europe and Eurasia – a Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 10: 3543-3562. 

Paz, S., 2013. Environmental Factors that Encourage the Endemization Process of West Nile Virus in New Regions. Ecology and Environment, 4(4): 285-286 (Hebrew). 

Tran, A., Sudre, B., Paz, S., Rossi, M., Desbrosse, A., Chevalier, V., Semenza, J.C., 2014. Environmental Predictors of West Nile Fever Risk in Europe. International Journal of Health Geographics, 13: 26. 

Paz, S., 2015. Climate Change Impacts on West Nile Virus Transmission in a Global Context. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (Biological Sciences), , 370: 20130561 (invited). 

Tran, A., Paz, S., Semenza, J., Sudre, B., Chevalier, V., 2015. La fièvre de West Nile dans le Bassin méditerranéen. (West Nile fever in the Mediterranean Basin) Bulletin Epidémiologique, 66: 66-68 (French, English abstract).

Paz, S., Goldstein, P., Kordova-Biezuner, L., Adler, L., 2015. Differences in Benzene Patterns among Traffic and Industrial Areas and a Prediction Model for Benzene Rates Based on NOx Values. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 226: 161. 

Negev, M., Paz, S., Clermont, A., Groag Pri-or, N., Shalom, U., Yeger, T., Green, M.S., 2015. Impacts of Climate Change on Vector Borne Diseases in the Mediterranean Basin – Implications for Preparedness and Adaptation Policy. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12: 6745-6770. 

Hamza, E., Paz, S., 2016. The Traditional Arab House in the Eastern Mediterranean and its Adaptation to the Mediterranean Climate. Geographical Research, 54(1): 72-85. 

Semenza, J. C., Tran, A., Espinosa, L., Sudre, B., Domanovic, D., Paz, S., 2016. Climate Change Projections of West Nile Virus Infections in Europe:  Implications for Blood Safety Practices. Environmental Health, 15(Suppl 1):28, 125-136.

Paz, S., Semenza, J.C., 2016. El Niño and climate change - contributing factors in the dispersal of Zika virus in the Americas?. Lancet, 387(10020):745 (correspondence). 

Paz, S., Inbar, M., Kutiel, H., Malkinson, D., Tessler, N., Wittenberg, L. 2016. Wildfires in the Eastern Mediterranean as a result of lightning activity - a change in the conventional knowledge. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 25(5), 592-596. 

Paz, S., Negev, M., Clermont, A., Green, M. 2016. Health aspects of climate change in cities with Mediterranean climate, and local adaptation plans. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13, 438 (invited). 

Barlow, M., Zaitchik, B., Paz, S., Black, E., Evans, J., Hoell, A., 2016. A Review of Drought in the Middle East and Southwest Asia. Journal of Climate, 29 (24): 8547-8574 .

Paz, S., Inbar, M., Kutiel, H., Malkinson, D., Tessler, N., Wittenberg, L. 2016. Wildfires in Israel as a result of lightning activity. Horizons in Geography, 89: 152-157 (Hebrew).

Cotar, A.I., Falcuta, E., Prioteasa, L.F., Dinu, S., Panculescu-Gatej, I.R., Ceianu, C.S., Paz, S. 2016. Transmission Dynamics of the West Nile Virus in Mosquito Vectors Populations under the Influence of Weather Factors in the Danube Delta, Romania. EcoHealth, 13(4), 796-807. 

Rosenberg, A., Weinberger, M., Paz, S., Valinsky, L., Agmon, V., Peretz, C., 2018. Ambient temperature and age-related notified Campylobacter infection in Israel: A 12-year time series study. Environmental Research, 164: 539-545.

Ebi, K., Hasegawa, T., Hayes, K., Monaghan, A., Paz, S., Berry, P., 2018. Health risks of warming of 1.5°C, 2°C, and higher, above pre-industrial temperatures. Environmental Research Letters, 13(6), 063007.

Cramer, W., Guiot, J., Fader, M., Garrabou, J., Gattuso, JP., Iglesias, A., Lange, M., Lionello, P., Llasat, MC., Paz, S., Penuelas, J., Snoussi, M., Toreti, A., Tsimplis, M., Xoplaki, E., 2018. Environmental change represents multiple risks for sustainable development in the Mediterranean Basin. Nature Climate Change, 8(11): 972-980.

Waitz, Y., Paz, S., Meir, D., Malkinson, D., 2018. Temperature effects on the activity of vectors for Leishmania tropica along rocky habitats gradient in the Eastern Mediterranean. Journal of Vector Ecology, 43(2): 205-214.

Paz, S. 2019. Effects of climate change on vector-borne diseases - an updated focus on West Nile virus in humans. Emerging Topics in Life Sciences, ETLS20180124 (invited). 

Waitz, Y. , Paz, S., Meir, D., Malkinson, D. 2019. Effects of land use type, spatial patterns and host presence on Leishmania tropica vectors activity. Parasites & Vectors, 12: 320.

Paz, S. 2019. The cholera epidemic in Yemen - How did it start? The role of El-Nino conditions followed by regional winds. Environmental Research, 176: 108571.

Paz, S., Negev, M., Davidovitch, N., 2020. Impacts of climate change on the public health in Israel - science and policy. Ecology and Environment, 10(4):72-78 (Hebrew).

Linares, C., Díaz, J., Negev, M., Sánchez Martínez, G., Debono, R., Paz. S., 2020. Impacts of Climate Change on the Public Health of the Mediterranean Basin Population - Current Situation, Projections, Preparedness and Adaptation. Environmental Research, 182:109107.

Vered, S., Paz, S., Negev, M., Tanne, D., Zucker, I., Weinstein, G., 2020. High Ambient Temperature in Summer and Risk of Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack: a National Study in Israel, Environmental Research, 187: 109678.

Hess, J., Boodram, L.L.G., Paz, S., Stewart Ibarra, A.M., Wasserheit, J.N., Lowe, R., 2020. Strengthening the Global Response to Climate Change and Infectious Disease Threats. The BMJ (British Medical Journal) , 371:m3081 .

Paz, S., Majeed, A., Christophides , G. K., 2020. Better data are crucial for mitigating threats in the Middle East (Opinion). The BMJ (British Medical Journal),

Paz, S., 2020. Climate change impacts on vector-borne diseases in Europe: Risks, predictions and actions (Commentary). The Lancet Regional Health – Europe 1:10017.

Ebi, K.L., Boyer, C., Ogden, N., Paz, S., Berry, P., Campbell-Lendrum, D., Hess, J.J. and Woodward, A., 2021. Burning embers: synthesis of the health risks of climate change. Environmental Research Letters, 16(4), p.044042

Semenza, C.J., Paz, S., 2021. Climate Change and Infectious Disease in Europe:  Impact, Projection and Adaptation. The Lancet Regional Health – Europe, 9, 100230

Paz, S., Majeed, A., Christophides, G.K., 2021. Climate change impacts on infectious diseases in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East (EMME) - risks and recommendations. Climatic Change, 169:40.

Paz, S., 2022 Impacts of climate change on the public health: local, regional and global perspectives. Horizons in Geography, 100: 67-82 (Hebrew, summary in English).

Negev, M., Zohar, M., Paz, S., 2022. Multidimensional hazards, vulnerabilities, and perceived risks regarding climate change and Covid-19 at the city level: An empirical study from Israel. Urban Climate, 43:101146.

Leal Filho, W., Balasubramanian, M., Purcell, W., Paz, S., 2022. Handling the health impacts of extreme climate events. Environmental Sciences Europe, 34: 45. 

Neira, M., Erguler, K., Ahmady-Birgani, H., AL-Hmoud, N.D., Fears, R., Gogos, C., Hobbhahn, N., Koliou, M., Kostrikis, L.G., Lelieveld, J., Majeed, A., Paz, S., Rudich, Y., Saad-Hussein, A., Shaheen, M., Tobias, A., Christophides, G., 2023. Climate Change and Human Health in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East: Literature Review, Research Priorities and Policy Suggestions. Environmental Research, 216(2): 114537.

Leal Filho, W., Minhas, A., Schmook, B., Mardero, S., Sharifi, A., Paz, S., Kovaleva, M., Cristina Albertini, M., Skouloudis, A. 2023. Sustainable Development Goal 13 and Switching Priorities: Addressing Climate Change in the Context of Pandemic Recovery Efforts. Environmental Sciences Europe, 35(1), 6. 

Paz, S., 2024. Climate change: a driver of increasing vector-borne disease transmission in non-endemic areas (Perspective). PLOS Medicine, 21(4): e1004382 (Invited).

Paz, S., 2024. The potential of climatic suitability indicator for Leishmania transmission modelling in Europe: insights and suggested directions (Comment). The Lancet Global Health - Europe, 43: 100995 (Invited).

Paz, S., Yakir, D., 2024. The climate crisis - a scientific consensus that requires immediate action in the face of ignorance and denial that endangers our future. Ecology and Environment, 15(3): 47-52 (Invited, Hebrew).

Tal, A., Paz, S., 2024. Perceptual factors underlying climate denial. Ecology and Environment, 15(3): 53-59 (Invited, Hebrew).

Afek, D., Alkaher, I., Assaf, N., Paz, S., 2024. Forest education in Israel:  applying the principles and challenges in an innovative educational model. Ecology and Environment, 15:4 (Hebrew).

Leal Filho, W., Nagy, G.J., Gbaguidi, G.J., Paz, S., Pimenta Dinis, M.A., Luetz, J.M., Sharifi, A. 2025. The Role of Climatic Changes in the Emergence and Re-emergence of Infectious Diseases: Bibliometric analysis and literature-supported studies on Zoonoses. One Health Outlook, 7:12.


Articles or Chapters in Scientific Books (Refereed)

Wittenberg, L., Greenbaum, N, Paz, S. and Kutiel, H., 2004. Frequency of Large Floods in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: A Comparison between Two 12-year Periods – Nahal Oren, Mt. Carmel, Israel. In: Maos, J.O., Inbar, M and Shmueli, D.F., (Eds.), Contemporary Israeli Geography, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel, 129-138.  

Gasul, D., Paz, S., Mansfeld, Y., 2005. Environmentalism and Sustainable Tourism Curriculum in the Israel's Dead Sea Region. In: Bar-Gal, Y. and Inbar, M. (Eds.), From Region to Environment, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel, 495-504 (Hebrew). 

Paz, S. 2009. Warming Tendency in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin and its Influence on West Nile Fever Outbreaks. In: Dincer I., Midilli, A., Hepbasli, A., Karakoc, T.H., (Eds.), Global Warming – Engineering Solutions: Green Energy and Technology, doi 10.1007/978-1-4419-1017-2_34, Springer, pp. 526-534. 

Paz, S., 2011. Perspectives on Climate Change and Human Health - an Editorial Introduction., Special Issue: Perspectives on Climate Change and Human Health, Geography Research Forum, 31: 1-5 .

Paz, S., 2012. West Nile Virus eruptions in summer 2010 - What is the possible linkage with climate change? In: Fernando H. et al. (eds.), National Security and Human Health Implications of Climate Change, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, doi 10.1007/978-94-007-2430-3_21, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012, pp. 253-260.

Hamza, E., Paz, S., 2013. The Arab Vernacular Architecture and its Adaptation to the Mediterranean Climatic Zones in Israel. Studies in Haifa and Northern Israel, 70-91 (Hebrew, English abstract).

Paz, S., Díaz, J., Negev, M., Linares, C. 2024. Climate Change and Global Health. In: Ahrens, W., Pigeot, I. (eds) Handbook of Epidemiology. Springer, New York, NY. (Invited).


IPCC Reports

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2018, Global Warming of 1.5°C, Contributor of Chapter 3: Impacts of 1.5ºC Global Warming on Natural and Human Systems (Coordinating Lead Authors: Hoegh-Guldberg, O., Jacob, D., Taylor, M.). 

First Mediterranean Assessment Report

Paz, S., Díaz, J., Linares, C., Negev, M., Sánchez Martínez, G., 2020. Health. In: Climate and Environmental Change in the Mediterranean Basin – Current Situation and Risks for the Future. First Mediterranean Assessment Report [Cramer, W., Guiot, J., Marini, K. (eds.)] Union for the Mediterranean, Plan Bleu, UNEP/MAP, Marseille, France.

Articles in Conference Proceedings

Kutiel, H., Steinberger, H. E., Paz, S. 1995. Rainfall Fields in Israel - Spatial Variation and Relationship with Pressure Fields and Circulation Indices Proceedings of the: Fifth International Conference on Precipitation, Crete, Greece. June 14-16, 1995. pp. 5.11a-b.

Kutiel, H. and Paz, S., 1998. Monthly rainfall conditions in Israel and their relationship with sea level pressure departures in the Mediterranean. Proceedings of the: 4th Pan-Hellenic Symposium on Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics.  Athens, Greece. September 22-25, 1998. Vol 2: 291-297.

Paz, S., Kutiel, H. and Steinberger, E. H., 1998. Variations in rainfall along the eastern Mediterranean coast. Proceedings of the: 4th Pan-Hellenic Symposium on Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics. Athens, Greece. September 22-25, 1998. Vol 2: 299-304.

Paz, S., Steinberger, E. H. and Kutiel, H., 1998. Recent Changes in Precipitation Patterns along the Mediterranean Coast Proceedings of the: 2nd European Conference on Applied Climatology, Vienna, Austria, October 19-23, 1998. CD ROM, ISSN 1016-6254, Nr. 19.

Paz, S., Kutiel, H. and Steinberger, E. H., 2000. Sea Surface Temperature Trends in the Mediterranean Proceedings of the: The Mediterranean: Culture, Environment and Society, May 22-25, 2000, C.D. ROM, Recorder #38965, 6 pages.

Paz, S., 2008. Climate Change in Israel: Possible Influence on the National Security, The Eighth Annual Herzliya Conference on the Balance of Israel's National Security, Jerusalem and Herzliya, January 20-23, 2008 .

Paz, S., 2008. Warming Tendency in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin and its Influence on Culex pipiens Population Abundance and on the Probability of West Nile Fever Outbreaks (Israeli Case Study: 2000-2005). Global Conference on Global Warming 2008, July 6-10, Istanbul, Turkey. CD of the Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-605-89885-0-7; pp. 415-422.

Paz, S., Malkinson, D., Green, M., Tsioni, G., Papa, A., Danis, K., Sirbu, A., Ceianu, C., Krisztalovics, K., Csohán, Á., Emőke, F., Zeller, H., Semenza, J., 2012. West Nile Fever Upsurge in Europe and its Neighbouring Countries and its Possible Association with Elevated Temperatures. Proceedings of the GRF One Health Summit, Davos, Switzerland, pp.170-173.

Paz, S., Semenza, C.J., 2013. Environmental Drivers of West Nile Virus Endemaization in Europe. Proceedings of the 2nd GRF One Health Summit, Davos, Switzerland, pp.175-178.

Semenza, J. C., Tran, A., Espinosa, L., Sudre, B., Domanovic, D., Paz, S., 2015. Climate Change Projections of West Nile Virus Infections in Europe: Implications for Blood Safety Practices, European Journal of Public Health, Vol. 25, Supplement 3, Proceedings of the 8th European Public Health Conference, October 14-17, 2015, Milan, Italy.

Edited Special Journal Issues

Paz, S., 2011 (Guest Editor). Perspectives on Climate Change and Human Health. Geography Research Forum, Vol. 3.

Paz, S., 2015 (Guest Editor). Climate Change Impacts on Vector-Borne Diseases. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 12(6). 


Paz, S., 2018 (Guest Editor). Climate Variabilities and Changes in the Mediterranean Basin and their Impacts on Mediterranean Societies. Atmosphere, Vol. 10. 


Díaz Jiménez, J., Linares Gil C., Paz, S., Sánchez-Martinez, G., 2022 (Guest Editors). Adaptation measures in Climate Change and Health. Environmental Research (

Position Papers


Yakir, D., Ben-Avraham, Z., Goren-Inbar, N., Gabareen, Y., Davidovitch, N. Yair, Y., Loya, Y., Paz, S., Fisher, T., Rosenfeld, D., Sheshinski, E., 2022. Assessment of the national computing power needs, necessary for climate forecasting in Israel - review and recommendations. Position paper #1, The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Climate Committee (Hebrew).


Yakir, D., Ben-Avraham, Z., Goren-Inbar, N., Gabareen, Y., Davidovitch, N. Yair, Y., Loya, Y., Paz, S., Fisher, T., Rosenfeld, D., Sheshinski, E., 2022. Recommendation for a  carbon tax adoption in Israel: An essential tool to reduce emissions and to deal with the climate crisis. Position paper #2, The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Climate Committee (Hebrew).

Yakir, D., Ben-Avraham, Z., Goren-Inbar, N., Gabareen, Y., Davidovitch, N. Yair, Y., Loya, Y., Paz, S.,Fisher, T., Rosenfeld, D., Sheshinski, E., 2023. Hydrogen Fuel. Position paper #3, The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Climate Committee (Hebrew).


Yakir, D., Ben-Avraham, Z., Goren-Inbar, N., Gabareen, Y., Davidovitch, N. Yair, Y., Loya, Y., Paz, S., Fisher, T., Rosenfeld, D., Sheshinski, E., 2024. The climate crisis - a scientific consensus that requires immediate action in the face of ignoring and denial that endangers our future. Position paper #4, The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Climate Committee (Hebrew).

Yakir, D., Ben-Avraham, Z., Goren-Inbar, N., Gabareen, Y., Davidovitch, N. Yair, Y., Loya, Y., Paz, S., Fisher, T., Rosenfeld, D., Sheshinski, E., Kaplan, M., 2024. Preservation of Israel's natural water sources. Position paper #5, The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Climate Committee (Hebrew).

Scientific Reports

START / MEDCOM report 2002–2003 (edited by Begni, G.), Paragraph 3: The Visiting Scientists Program: The co-operation between University of Haifa, Meteo-France and MEDIAS-France. START (IHDP, IGBP, WCRP) and MEDIAS France, October 2003, pp. 5-6.

START / MEDCOM activity 2004 (edited by Begni, G.), Paragraph 4: Research on Mediterranean climate variability/change and linkages with NAO, AO, NAM. MEDIAS France, Toulouse France, January 2005.

Environmental Education and Sustainable Tourism Development for High School Students of the Dead Sea Regions, report #1, 2003 (38 pages), report #2, 2003 (30 pages), report #3,  2004 (31 pages), and Final report, 2004 (133 pages), with Y. Mansfeld and D. Gasul, in Hebrew.

Environmental Education and Sustainable Tourism Development for Primary School Students of the Dead Sea Regions, report #1, 2004 (63 pp), report #2, 2004, (56 pp), and Final report, 2005 (33 pp), with Y. Mansfeld , D. Gasul and L. Cahaner, in Hebrew.

GABARDINE (EU FP6 Project) WP 2 (2006) - Second Report: Rainfall Uncertainty Model, December 2006 (with H. Kutiel, L. Wittenberg and H. Reiser), 19 pp.

GABARDINE (EU FP6 Project) WP 2 (2007) - Third Report: Third Activity Report, June 2007 (with H. Kutiel, L. Wittenberg and H. Reiser), 11 pp.

Paz, S., Albershaim, I. 2007. Climatic changes in the Israeli summer and their influence on the Culex pipiens population abundance and on the probability for WNF outbreaks. Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection, February 2007, 75 pp (Hebrew, English abstract).

Carmel, Y., Shoshany, M., Jahashan, F., Paz, S., 2008. Fire risk mapping of Mt. Carmel, using multiple simulations of fire behavior (final report 2004-2007), KKL, January 2008, 31 pp (Hebrew).

GABARDINE (EU FP6 Project) WP 2 (2008) - Activity Report VI: July 2008 (with H. Kutiel, H. Reiser and N. Halfon), 18 pp.

Kliot, N., Paz, S., Kidar, O., 2008. Frame & Framing Analysis for the Study of Preparedness for Climate Change in Israel. Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection, August 2008, 227 pp (Hebrew, English abstract).

GABARDINE (EU FP6 Project) WP 2 (2009) - Activity Report VI : WP 2 - Final report: Activities during the period: November 2007- April 2009 (with H. Kutiel and H. Reiser), 15 pp.

Paz, S., Xoplaki, E., Gershunov, A., 2010. Scientific Report of the Workshop: Impacts of Mediterranean Climate Change on Human Health. The European Science Foundation (ESF) – MedClivar, January 2010, 10 pp.

The European (EU) Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), 2010. Meeting Report: Consultation on mosquito borne disease transmission risk in Europe. Paris, 26 November, 2010 (report contributor).

Angel, D., Niztan, T., Paz, S., Abduslam, A., 2011. The impact of climate change on Mediterranean intertidal communities: Losses in coastal ecosystem integrity and services (final report). Submitted to the Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection, March 2011, 32 pages.

Paz, S., Green, M., Malkinson, D., 2011. Interim report #1: Temperatures Associated with West Nile Fever & Public Health Recommendations. Health impact assessment: Climate, weather and West Nile Virus in Europe. The European (EU) Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), 41 pp.

Peretz, H., Weinberger, M., Paz, S., and V. Agmon, 2011. Analysis of climate variations and the relationship with the occurrence of foodborne infections in Israel 1995-2010 and implications for future scenarios to the year 2030 (Interim Report). Submitted to the Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection, November 2011, 31 pages (Hebrew).

Paz, S., Green, M., Malkinson, D., 2012. Interim report #2: Heat Index, Relative Humidity and Precipitation Associated with West Nile Fever. Health impact assessment: Climate, weather and West Nile Virus in Europe. The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), 15 pp.

Paz, S., Green, M., Malkinson, D., 2012. Interim report #3: Temperature, Relative Humidity and Precipitation Associated with West Nile Virus in Horses. Health impact assessment: Climate, weather and West Nile Virus in Europe. The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), 18 pp.

Malkinson, D., Paz, S., Green, M. 2012. Interim report #4: the linkage between various land use/covers and WNF eruption in humans. Health impact assessment: Climate, weather and West Nile Virus in Europe. The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), 11 pp.

Tran, A., Paz, S., Chevalier, V. 2012. MoBoD: Mosquito-Borne Diseases Determinants. Lot 1: Environmental predictors and multivariate models. Lot 1A - Interim report #1: Technical details of data and models. Submitted to The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), 11 pp.

Tran, A., Paz, S., Chevalier, V. 2012. MoBoD: Mosquito-Borne Diseases Determinants. Lot 1: Environmental predictors and multivariate models. Lot 1B - Interim report #2: Space-time models of West Nile Fever outbreaks in Europe. Submitted to The European (EU) Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), 19 pp.

Tran, A., Paz, S., Chevalier, V. 2013. MoBoD: Mosquito-Borne Diseases Determinants. Lot 1: Environmental predictors and multivariate models. Lot 1C – Final Report. Submitted to The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), 30 pp.

Tran, A., Paz, S., Chevalier, V. 2013. MoBoD: Mosquito-Borne Diseases Determinants. Lot 2: Testing of environmental predictors and multivariate models. Lot 2A – Interim report: data collection and data cleaning. Submitted to The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), 31 pp.

Tran, A., Paz, S., Chevalier, V. 2013. MoBoD: Mosquito-Borne Diseases Determinants. Lot 2: Testing of environmental predictors and multivariate models. Lot 2B – Interim report: Final model for West Nile fever risk in Europe – 2013 risk maps. Submitted to The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), 17 pp.

Tran, A, Paz, S., Balança, G., Baldet, T., Gely, M., Chevalier, V and  Durand, B., 2014. MoBoD: Mosquito-Borne Diseases Determinants, Lot 2: Testing of environmental predictors and multivariate models. Lot 2C - Final report: Final model of West Nile fever risk in Europe – model testing. Submitted to The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), 90 pp.

Peretz, H., Weinberger, M., Paz, S., Agmon V. and A. Rosenberg, 2014. Analysis of climate variations and the relationship with the occurrence of food-borne infections in Israel 1995-2010 and implications for future scenarios to the year 2030 (final report). Submitted to the Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection, June 2014, 63 pages (Hebrew).

Malkinson, D., Paz, S., Y. Waitz, D. Meir, 2016. The effects of climate and land use changes on vector borne disease distribution – a theoretical framework: Leishmania tropica as a case study – Interim Report. Submitted to the Israel Science Foundation (ISF), 28 pages.

Malkinson, D., Paz, S., Y. Waitz, D. Meir, 2018. The effects of climate and land use changes on vector borne disease distribution – a theoretical framework: Leishmania tropica as a case study - Final Report. Submitted to the Israel Science Foundation (ISF), 61 pages.

Paz, S., Negev, M., Nouman, H., Zohar, M., Levin, H., Zohar, T., 2019. Developing urban community resilience and spatial planning schemes for emergency readiness: multi-disciplinary research comparing local level preparedness for emergencies resulting from war with those resulting from extreme weather conditions - Interim report, 6 pages.

Halfon, N., Stav, N.,../Paz, S.,... et al., 2020. Examining the effects of warm climate on the spread of Coronavirus preliminary identification of trends in Arab countries in recent weeks. Academia-IL Collective impact: COVID-19; 5 pages (Hebrew).


Stav, N., Epstein, Y., ...Paz, S.,... et al., 2020. Seasonal expectation of the spread of SARS-COV-2 and COVID-19 morbidity. Academia-IL Collective impact: COVID-19; 39 pages (Hebrew).


Paz, S., Negev, M., Nouman, H., Zohar, M., Levin, H., Zohar, T., 2020. Developing urban community resilience and spatial planning schemes for emergency readiness: multi-disciplinary research comparing local level preparedness for emergencies resulting from war with those resulting from extreme weather conditions - Final Report, 15 pages (Hebrew).

Paz, S., Levinson, D., 2021. The impacts of variations in weather conditions on the wild mushrooms’ populations in Israel. Submitted to the Foundation for joint studies of the University of Haifa and Shamir Institute. Final Report, 39 pages (Hebrew).

Neira, M., et al. (Paz - Task Force Member), 2021. Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East Climate Change Initiative. The Effects of Climate Change on Human Health. Report of the Health Task Force, The Cyprus Institute. 54 pages.

Negev, M., Davidovich, N., Editors (Paz, S. - one of eight co-authors), 2021. The contribution to human well-being - Health. "HaMaarag", The National Evaluation Project of Ecosystems and Human Wellbeing, Israel Academy of Science, 56 pages (Hebrew). 

Dente, E., Reichman, O., Wittenberg. L., Shtober, N., Paz, S., 2022. Climatic and spatial effects on the pollution of the drainage basins of the Golan Heights. First Report. Submitted to the KKL-JNF, 43 pages (Hebrew).

Weinstein, G., Paz, S., Negev, M. 2022. Using satellite-based spatiotemporal resolved air temperature exposure to evaluate the association between weather conditions and risk of stroke. Interim Report. Submitted to the Israel Science Foundation (ISF), 29 pages.

Lotan, A., Wittenberg, L., Collins-Kreiner, N., Katz, D., Paz, S., Itzhaki, I., 2023. The effect of climate change on the provision of ecosystem services in a multi-use watershed – a case study of Ga'aton river basin. Submitted to Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection, 35 pages (in Hebrew). 

Weinstein, G., Paz, S., Negev, M. 2024. Using satellite-based spatiotemporal resolved air temperature exposure to evaluate the association between weather conditions and risk of stroke. Final Report. Submitted to the Israel Science Foundation (ISF), 29 pages.