

Bar-Siman-Tov, Itay., Rozenberg, Olivier., Benoît, Cyril., Waismel-Manor, Israel. and Levanon, Asaf. (forthcoming). “Should I stay (open) or should I close? World legislatures during the first wave of Covid19'.” Political Studies

Levanon, Asaf., Einat. Lavee, and Roni. Strier. 2021. “Explaining the factors shaping the likelihood of poverty among working families by using a concurrent mixed method design.” Social Indicators Research. 157:1089-1109.

Bar-Siman-Tov, Itay., Rozenberg, Olivier., Benoît, Cyril., Waismel-Manor, Israel. and Levanon, Aasaf., 2021. “Measuring Legislative Activity during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Introducing the ParlAct and ParlTech Indexes.” International Journal of Parliamentary Studies 1(1): 109–126.

Levanon, Asaf, Evgeny Saburov, Markus Gangl, and Jan Brülle. 2019. "Trends in the demographic composition of poverty among working families in Germany and in Israel, 1991–2011." Social Science Research. 83: 1-18.

Jan Brülle, Markus Gangl, Asaf Levanon and Evgeny Saburov. 2019. "Changing labour market risks in the service economy: low wages, part-time employment and the trend in working poverty risks in Germany." Journal of European Social Policy. 28(1)115-129.

Levanon, Asaf. 2018. "Labor market insiders or outsiders? A cross-national examination of redistributive preferences of the working poor." Societies 8(3): 1-15.

Waismel-Manor, Ronit. and Asaf Levanon. 2017. "Time to reconsider work: Dual earner couples' work-related adaptive strategies and preferences for reduces working hours." International Studies of Management and Organization 47(4):1-24.

Canetti, Daphna., Israel Waismel-Manor, Michael Gross, Aasf Levanon, and Hagit Cohen. 2017. "How Cyberattacks Terrorize: Cortisol and Personal Insecurity Jump in the Wake of Cyberattacks." Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 20(2): 72-77.

Levanon, Asaf. and David. B. Grusky. 2016. “The Persistence of Extreme Gender Segregation in the 21st Century.” American Journal of Sociology 122(2): 573-619.

Waismel-Manor, Ronit., Asaf. Levanon and Pamala. S. Tolbert. 2016. "The Impact of Spouses' Relative Earnings on Career and Family Satisfaction." Sex Roles 75(7): 349-362.

Halden, Karin., Asaf. Levanon., and Tamar Kricheli-Katz. 2016. “Does the Motherhood Wage Penalty Differ by Individual Skill and Country Family Policy? A Longitudinal Study of Ten European Countries." Social Politics 23(3): 363-388.

Luria, Gil., Asaf. Levanon, Ido. Gal. and Dana.Yagil. 2016. "Status, National Culture and Customer Propensities for Complaining." Social Indicators Research, 126(1): 309-330.

Levanon Asaf. 2014. "Who Succeeds as an Immigrant: Effects of Group Resources and Receiving Community Socioeconomic Conditions on Earnings Assimilation.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 36: 13-29.

Levanon, Asaf. 2011. “Ethnic Resources: Individual and Group Level Sources and Their Economic Consequences.” Social Science Research 40: 77-86.

Levanon, Asaf and Noah Lewin-Epstein. 2010. “Grounds for Citizenship: Public Attitudes in Comparative Perspective.” Social Science Research 39: 419-431.

Levanon, Asaf, Paula England, and Paul Allison. 2009. “Occupational Feminization and Pay: Assessing Causal Dynamics Using 1950-2000 Census Data.” Social Forces 88(2): 865-892.

Grusky, David B. and Asaf Levanon. 2006. “Describing Occupational Segregation in Sparse and Incomplete Arrays.” Sociological Methods and Research 34(4): 554-572.

Lewin-Epstein, Noah and Asaf Levanon. 2005 “National Identity and Xenophobia in an Ethnically Divided Society.” International Journal on Multicultural Societies 7(2): 90-118.

Lewin-Epstein, Noah Amit Kaplan, and Asaf Levanon. 2003. “Distributive Justice and Attitudes toward the Welfare State.” Social Justice Research 16(1): 1-27.

Chapters in edited books

Levanon, Asaf and Evgeny Saburov. 2018. "Changes in the Antecedents of Poverty among Workers in Israel, 1991-2011." In Handbook on In-Work Poverty edited by Lohmann, Hennig and Ive Marx. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Levanon, Asaf and David B. Grusky. 2017. “Egalitarianism and Gender Inequality.” In Inequality in the 21st Century, edited by David B. Grusky and Jasmine Hill. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

Hout, Michael., Asaf Levanon and Erin Cumberworth. 2011. "Job Loss and Unemployment." In The Great Recession edited by David B. Grusky, Bruce Western and Christopher Wimer. New York: Russell Sage.

Smeeding Timothy, Jeffry P. Thompson, Asaf Levanon and Esra Burak. 2011 "Income, Inequality, and Poverty over the Early Stages of the Great Recession." In The Great Recession edited by David B. Grusky, Bruce Western and Christopher Wimer. New York: Russell Sage.

Grusky, David B. and Asaf Levanon. 2008. “Four Gloomy Futures for Sex Segregation.” Pp. 812-825 In Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective, 3rd edition, edited by David B. Grusky. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.